Skoltech launches an online course, What can I do with a DNA?, for students of the Children’s University at the Moscow Polytechnic Museum (in Russian).
The course will consist of project-focused online classes where 13-14 year olds will try their hand at science, work on a challenging task together with scientists and get a feel of the research logic. They will spend 3 full Sundays to bring their project idea to fruition.
An introductory theory and practice course by Maria Yarina, a biologist and a researcher at Skoltech, will walk the students through some fascinating questions: What does the main human molecule consist of and how is it linked to genes, proteins and mutations? Does the DNA change over the course of life? Where do mutations occur and are they all bad? Can you touch a gene with your hand or program a superhuman? Can the DNA help revive the mammoth?
In a practical class, the students will assemble a DNA model.
Program start: Sunday, November 1, 2 p.m.
The classes will be held every other Sunday, November 1, 15, and 29.
Price: 2,600 rbls. To get a 20% discount, use Skoltech’s partner code PARTNER20.
Buy your ticket here