Skoltech Lecture Hub at ARHE presents a new online course of lectures: State-of-the-Art Mass Spectrometry
The mass spectrometer is a research instrument that ranks among the world’s greatest inventions. Mass spectrometry that helps weigh an individual molecule’s weight has become a fixture in doping research, medicine, ecology, and even museums.
The key method in toxicology, drug, and anti-doping research, mass spectrometry enables identifying thousands of different chemical compounds in a biological sample.
What tests and techniques are used to detect and identify drugs, doping, and toxic agents? What instruments are available at modern laboratories? Yury Kostyukevich will answer these questions, review real life cases, explain what an Athlete Biological Passport is and discuss the legal aspects of mass spectrometry tests.
Speaker: Yury Kostyukevich, PhD in Physics and Mathematics and Assistant Professor at the Skoltech Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (CDISE).