Сколтех — новый технологический университет, созданный в 2011 году в Москве командой российских и зарубежных профессоров с мировым именем. Здесь преподают действующие ученые, студентам дана свобода в выборе дисциплин, обучение включает работу над собственным исследовательским проектом, стажировку в индустрии, предпринимательскую подготовку и постоянное нахождение в международной среде.

Архив метки: Power Grids

Federal Grid Company is exploring the possibility of cooperation with Skoltech

DSC_8429-300x200The leaders of the Federal Grid Company “UES” visited Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology to learn about Skoltech and its abilities, and to discuss possible cooperation in the area of power-grids in the future.

The delegation was headed by Andrey Murov, Chairman of the Board of “FGC UES”, and included Pavel Korsunov and Natalia Ozhegina, Vice-Chairmen of the Board of “FGC UES”; Dmitry Klokov, director of external communications; Dmitry Tyron, Deputy General Director of Construction “ECMC UES”; Anton Sheverdov, director of the construction of facilities in the regions of the Center of “ECMC UES” and Sergei Ponomarev, chief expert at “FGC UES”. The guests got acquainted with the program of construction projects at the “Skolkovo” Innovation Center, and with the work of Skoltech and activity of its research centers.

7-300x200High officials of the Skolkovo foundationMaxim Sheifel, Acting Vice-President, Skolkovo City Manager; Vasily Belov, Senior Vice President of Innovation; Nikolai Grachev, vice president and executive director of the Cluster of energy-efficient technologies; Anton Yakovenko, General Director of “ODAS Skolkovo” – informed the guests about the progress of the construction of the energy infrastructure at the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

Alexey Ponomarev, Skoltech’s vice president of strategy and industrial cooperation; Prof. Alexander Ustinov, deputy director of the Research Center for Energy Systems and Ivan Sherstov, director of programs for cooperation with the industry, presented Skoltech’s program of activities and proposals for cooperation with “FGC UES” in the field of electric grid systems.

2-300x200The guests were shown a complex pilot of an overhead power lines monitoring system, as well as individual solutions in an integrated power line monitoring system: project of the unique “Kanatahod” (“tight rope” in Russian) copter-rope walker, able to land on a high-voltage lines wire, to monitor power lines and the icing monitoring system (MIG).

The guests from “FGC UES” got acquainted with the work of the energy systems laboratory, advanced structures, processes and materials. At the end of the visit, both sides agreed to continue to discuss promising areas of cooperation with Skoltech at the level of experts.

Guest Lecture: Cascading Outages and Emergency Control System of Power Grids – Russian Experience

How to avoid outages and manage the power grid? Image courtesy of TeresaPeek, Flickr

How to avoid outages and manage the power grid? Image courtesy of TeresaPeek, Flickr

We would like to invite you to a guest lecture lecture by Professor Nikolai Voropai.

What: “Cascading Outages and Emergency Control System of Power Grids – Russian Experience” .

When:  Monday, 23.03 at 15.00

Where: Beijing-2  Auditorium(MSM)

Abstract: The lecture will determine the specifics of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia and the key steps of cascading outage development are analyzed. The structurization of emergency operation control services in electric power system is considered. Principles of operation of the grid control centers are discussed. A hierarchical emergency control system of the UES of Russia is presented. A technology for cascading outages analysis is suggested. Important trends in electric power systems, and requirements for control principles are discussed. The possibilities of smart grid control strategy and tools are suggested.

Speaker introduction: Professor Nikolai Voropai – Director of Energy Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Irkutsk, head of a department at Irkutsk State Technical University, member of a number distinguished engineering associations including APERC Advisory Board, IAEE, IEEE, CIGRE, IFAC, member of the Moscow International Energy Club and Electro-technical Academy of the Russian Federation. In addition, professor Voropai is the author of more than 450 scientific publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings

The Energy Systems Institute (ESI) SB RAS was established in August, 1960 within the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The key task of the Institute is comprehensive studies on energy in its broad sense. The objects of research and application are energy and physicotechnical systems: energy sectors of territories, regions, country and world, that comprise electric power, heat-, oil- and gas supply systems, coal industry, nuclear energy as well as prospective energy technologies and equipment.

The lecture is to be followed by the Q&A session.

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