Skoltech is an international graduate research-focused university that was founded by the group of world-renowned scientists in 2011. Skoltech's curriculum focuses on technology and innovation, offering Master's programs in 11 technological disciplines. Students receive rigorous theoretical and practical training, design their own research projects, participate in internships and gain entrepreneurial skills in English. The faculty is comprised of current researchers with international accreditation and achievements.

Course Catalog for 2024-2025

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Term 1

Course Title Lead Instructors ECTS Credits Stream Course Code Status
3D CAD Modeling and Design
Artem Aleksanyan 3 MA030526
Advanced Drilling and Completion Technologies (Term 1B)
Kirill Bogachev 3 MA030347 CANCELLED
Advanced Fluid Mechanics: Compressible Flows
Aslan Kasimov 3 MA030577
Advanced Fluid Mechanics: Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows
Ekaterina Muravleva 3 MA030579 CANCELLED
Advanced Reservoir Modeling and Engineering
Alexander Cheremisin 6 MA060540
Advanced Solvers for Numerical PDEs
Nikolay Yavich 3 MA030470
Advances in AgroTech (Term 1B)
Laurent Gentzbittel 3 DA030642
Automation of Processes and Measurements in LabView (Term 1-2)
Arseniy Obyedkov
31.5 per term
Bayesian Methods of Machine Learning (Term 1B-2)
Evgeny Burnaev
63 per term
Characteristic Classes (Term 1-2)
Alexander Gaifullin
63 per term
Classical Groups, their Invariants and Representations (Term 1-2)
Grigori Olshanski
66 per term
Cluster Integrable Systems (Term 1-2)
Mikhail Bershtein
63 per term
Cluster Varieties and Integrable Systems (Term 1-2)
Andrey Marshakov
63 per term
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Dmitry Kolomenskiy 3 MA030584
Computational Imaging (Term 1B)
Dmitry Dylov 3 MA030121
Derived Equivalences of Satake (Term 1-2) Artem Prikhodko
63 per term
Digital Core Processing
Denis Orlov 3 MA030563
Digital Technologies in Electrical Grids (Term 1B)
Dmitry Titov 3 MA030476 MOVED FROM TERM 4
Economics of Innovation (Term 1-2) Sergey Bondarev
31.5 per term
Electrochemical Materials Science (Term 1-2)
Veronika Laurinavichyute
63 per term
Emerging Research Topics in Wireless Communications (Term 1B)
Nikola Zlatanov 3 MA030682
English Toolkit (Term 1B)
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 ME030568
English. Candidate Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 DG030003
Essential Engineering Toolbox (Term 1B)
Petr Zhilyaev 3 MA030351
Experimental Data Processing (Term 1B)
Tatiana Podladchikova 6 MA060238
Foreign Language (Term 1-4) Pyotr Lavrentev
92.25 per term
Foundations of Software Engineering for AI (Term 1B)
Aleksandr Mikhalev 3 MA030406
Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics (Term 1-2)
Andrey Krasavin
63 per term
Fundamentals of Photonics (Term 1B-2)
Nikolay Gippius
63 per term
Geometric Representation Theory (Term 1-2)
Mikhail Finkelberg
63 per term
Hamiltonian Mechanics (Term 1-2)
Vladimir Poberezhny
63 per term
Heterocyclic Compounds in Materials Science (Term 1-2)
Timofey Chmovzh
31.5 per term
Industrial Immersion: Scientific and Research Work (Term 1-4) Stanislav Fedotov
122 per term
Industrial Immersion: Technological Practice (Term 1-2)
Stanislav Fedotov
63 per term
Innovation Workshop
Dmitry Kulish 6 E&I MC060001
Integrable Systems of Classical Mechanics (Term 1-2)
Vadim Prokofev
63 per term
Introduction in Algebraic Topology (Term 1-2)
Maxim Kazarian
63 per term
Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (Term 1B)
Alexander Safonov 3 MA030296
Introduction to Computational Mechanics in Energy Transition (Term 1B)
Andrei Osiptsov 3 MA030565
Introduction to Data Science (Term 1B)
Ekaterina Muravleva 3 MA030111
Introduction to Life Sciences Program (Term 1B)
Vera Rybko 3 MA030371
Introduction to Materials Informatics (Term 1B)
Dmitry Aksenov 3 MA030686
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (Term 1B)
Chengdong Yuan 3 MA030064
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory (Term 1-2)
Alexey Litvinov
63 per term
Introduction to Wireless Communications (Term 1B)
Kirill Andreev 3 MA030409
Leadership for Innovators (Term 1B)
Maxim Kiselev 3 E&I MC030011
MOVEDmoved to T2
Materials Chemistry (Term 1B)
Stanislav Fedotov 3 MA030530
Materials for Energy Technologies (Term 1-2)
Anatolii Volkov
31.5 per term
Mathematics for Engineers (Term 1B)
Elena Gryazina 3 MA030282
Sergey Abaimov 3 MA030247
Models of Sequential Data
Alexey Zaytsev 6 MA060433
Modern Inorganic Synthesis (Term 1-2)
Nataliya Rukk
63 per term
Modern Methods and Algorithms of Generative Artificial Intelligence
Andrey Kuznetsov 3 MA030710
Molecular Biology (Term 1B-2)
Petr Sergiev
63 per term
Molecular Electronics (Term 1-2)
Artyom Novikov
63 per term
Molecular Neurobiology (Term 1-2)
Dmitry Artamonov
42 per term
Neuroimaging and Machine Learning for Biomedicine
Maxim Sharaev 3 MA030421
Neurophysiology of the Sensorimotor Systems (Term 1B)
Nikolay Syrov 3 MA030672
Neurotechnology Lab Course
Nikolay Koshev 6 MA060022b
Organic Chemistry (Term 1-2) Valerii Traven
157.5 per term
Path Integral: Stochastic Processes and Basics of Quantum Mechanics (Term 1-2)
Andrey Semenov
63 per term
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2018-2021)
Dmitry Artamonov 3 DG030005
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2022-2025)
Viktoria Mikhaylova 3 DG030005b
Physics (Term 1-4) Vladimir Aksenov
102.5 per term
PLM 2 - Digital Technologies in Design and Testing of Complex Technical Systems (Term 4-5)
Andreas Panayi
63 per term
Qualifying Exam: Computational and Data Science and Engineering
Nikolay Brilliantov 3 DD030020cd
Qualifying Exam: Engineering Systems
Henni Ouerdane 3 DD030020es
Qualifying Exam: Materials Science and Engineering
Artem Abakumov 3 DD030020ms
Qualifying Exam: Petroleum Engineering
Mikhail Spasennykh 3 DD030020pe
Qualifying Exam: Physics
Nikolay Gippius 3 DD030020p
Quantum Chemistry (Term 1-2)
Nikita Rybin
31.5 per term
Quantum Mechanics (Term 1B)
Alexander Korotkevich 3 MA030177
Reinforcement Learning
Pavel Osinenko 6 MA060422
MOVEDmoved to T3
Research Seminar "Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics" (Term 1-4)
Andrey Marshakov
61.5 per term
Scientific Computing (Term 1B)
Nikolay Koshev 6 MA060113
Spectral Methods in Chemistry and Materials Science (Term 1-2)
Ivan Ivanov
93 per term
Structural Optimization
Alexander Safonov 6 MA060452
Technology Entrepreneurship Seminar: Foundation (Term 1B-2)
Alexey Nikolaev
31.5 per term
E&I MC030029a
Thermodynamics of Materials
Aleksandr Kvashnin 6 MA060589 CANCELLED
Thesis Final Review: Computational and Data Science and Engineering Nikolay Brilliantov 6 DD480037cd
Thesis Final Review: Engineering Systems Henni Ouerdane 6 DD480037es
Thesis Final Review: Life Sciences Mikhail Gelfand 6 DD480037ls
Thesis Final Review: Materials Science and Engineering Artem Abakumov 6 DD480037ms
Thesis Final Review: Mathematics and Mechanics Andrei Marshakov,
Robert Nigmatulin
6 DD480037mm
Thesis Final Review: Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Spasennykh 6 DD480037pe
Thesis Final Review: Physics Nikolay Gippius 6 DD480037p
Thesis Proposal Defense
Viktoria Mikhaylova
6 per term

Term 2

Course Title Lead Instructors ECTS Credits Stream Course Code Status
Academic Communication: Preparatory English for PhD Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 Extra DF030029
Academic Writing Essentials
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 ME030569
Academic Writing Essentials (Life Sciences)
Anastasiia Sharapkova 3 ME030569l
Advanced Fluid Mechanics: Multiphase Flow Modeling in Energy Transition
Sergei Boronin 6 MA060571
Advanced Instrumental Methods of Molecular Biology Yury Kostyukevich 3 MA030674
Advanced Manufacturing of Composite Materials
Alexander Safonov 6 MA060298
Advanced PLM: Verification and Validation
Andreas Panayi 6 MA060604
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Alexander Korotkevich 3 DA030207
Aerosol Science and Technology
Albert Nasibulin 3 MA030300
Aerospace Structures Product Development 3 MA030708
Automation of Processes and Measurements in LabView (Term 1-2)
Arseniy Obyedkov
31.5 per term
Bayesian Methods of Machine Learning (Term 1B-2)
Evgeny Burnaev
63 per term
Mikhail Gelfand 6 MA060307
Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Varvara Melikhova 3 E&I MC030013
Biomedical Mass Spectrometry
Evgeny Nikolaev 3 MA030256
Biotechnology and Crop Improvement
Elena Potokina 6 MA060587
Cancer Biology
Vera Rybko 3 MA030088
MOVEDmoved to T3
CDE Seminars (Term 2-4)
Clement Fortin
31 per term
Characteristic Classes (Term 1-2)
Alexander Gaifullin
63 per term
Classical Groups, their Invariants and Representations (Term 1-2)
Grigori Olshanski
66 per term
Cluster Integrable Systems (Term 1-2)
Mikhail Bershtein
63 per term
Computational Biology of Aging
Ekaterina Khrameeva 3 MA030511
Computational Chemistry and Materials Modeling
Dmitry Aksenov 6 MA060008
Computational Materials Science Seminar (Term 2-4)
Dmitry Aksenov
31 per term
Computational Methods in Atomistic Simulations
Aleksandr Kvashnin 6 MA060573
Continuum Mechanics (Term 2-3)
Robert Nigmatulin
63 per term
Convex Optimization and Applications
Anh Huy Phan 3 MA030136
Crystal Chemistry
Stanislav Fedotov 3 MA030477
Current Topics in Neuroscience Dmitry Artamonov 3 MA030689
Data Analysis for Space Weather
Tatiana Podladchikova 6 DA060309
Derived Equivalences of Satake (Term 1-2) Artem Prikhodko
63 per term
Digital Signal Processing
Andrey Ivanov 6 MA060255
Economics of Innovation (Term 1-2) Sergey Bondarev
31.5 per term
Electrochemical Materials Science (Term 1-2)
Veronika Laurinavichyute
63 per term
English. Candidate Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 DG030003
Entrepreneurial Strategy
Alexander Chekanov 3 E&I MC030023
Experimental Design in Biology
Laurent Gentzbittel 3 MA030480
Experimental Optics I
Sakellaris Mailis 3 MA030521
First Steps to Thesis in English (Multidisciplinary)
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 ME030566
Foreign Language (Term 1-4) Pyotr Lavrentev
92.25 per term
Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics (Term 1-2)
Andrey Krasavin
63 per term
Fundamentals of Energy Conversion Physics and Technology
Henni Ouerdane 6 MA060537
Fundamentals of Photonics (Term 1B-2)
Nikolay Gippius
63 per term
Fundamentals of Post-Quantum Cryptography
Grigory Kabatyansky 3 MA030408
Fundamentals of Power Systems
Oleg Khamisov 6 MA060007
Geometric Representation Theory (Term 1-2)
Mikhail Finkelberg
63 per term
Hamiltonian Mechanics (Term 1-2)
Vladimir Poberezhny
63 per term
Heterocyclic Compounds in Materials Science (Term 1-2)
Timofey Chmovzh
31.5 per term
High Performance Python Lab
Sergey Rykovanov 3 MA030367
History and Philosophy of Science. Candidate Exam
Ivan Lupandin 6 DG060026
Industrial Immersion: Scientific and Research Work (Term 1-4) Stanislav Fedotov
122 per term
Industrial Immersion: Technological Practice (Term 1-2)
Stanislav Fedotov
63 per term
Industrial Robotics
Dmitriy Dzhurinskiy 6 MA060249
Information and Coding Theory
Alexey Frolov 6 MA060122
Integrable Systems of Classical Mechanics (Term 1-2)
Vadim Prokofev
63 per term
Introduction in Algebraic Topology (Term 1-2)
Maxim Kazarian
63 per term
Introduction to Linux and Supercomputers Igor Zacharov 6 MA060366
Introduction to Optical Biosensors
Alexey Yashchenok 3 MA030640
Introduction to Product Lifetime Management (PLM)
Andreas Panayi 6 MA060535
Introduction to Programming for Biologists
Dmitry Ivankov 6 MA060372
Introduction to Solid State Physics
Sergey Kosolobov 6 MA060027
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory (Term 1-2)
Alexey Litvinov
63 per term
Leadership for Innovators
Maxim Kiselev 3 E&I MC030011
Master Your Thesis in English (Life Sciences)
Anastasiia Sharapkova 3 ME030567l
Materials Characterization Techniques
Stanislav Fedotov 6 MA060529
Materials for Energy Technologies (Term 1-2)
Anatolii Volkov
31.5 per term
Materials Selection in Design
Alexey Salimon 3 MA030099
Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Applied Science (Term 6-7)
Aslan Kasimov
63 per term
Methods of Experimental Physics (Practical Course) (Term 2-3)
Valery Ryazanov
63 per term
Modeling of Multiphase Flows and Flow Assurance
Dmitry Eskin 6 MA060591
Modeling with Open Source Software Aslan Kasimov 3 MA030583
Modern Inorganic Synthesis (Term 1-2)
Nataliya Rukk
63 per term
Molecular Biology (Term 1B-2)
Petr Sergiev
63 per term
Molecular Electronics (Term 1-2)
Artyom Novikov
63 per term
Molecular Neurobiology
Philipp Khaitovich 6 MA060397
Molecular Neurobiology (Term 1-2)
Dmitry Artamonov
42 per term
Ivan Pshenichnyuk 3 MA030153
Natural Language Processing
Alexander Panchenko 3 MA030555 CANCELLED
Network Science
Kirill Polovnikov 6 MA060504
Next Generation Sequencing – Experimental Protocols and Data Analysis
Maria Logacheva 3 MA030396
Numerical Linear Algebra
Ivan Oseledets 6 MA060024
Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Science (Term 2-3)
Oleg Vasilyev
63 per term
Optimization Methods in Machine Learning
Alexander Tyurin 3 MA030632
Organic Chemistry (Term 1-2) Valerii Traven
157.5 per term
Path Integral: Stochastic Processes and Basics of Quantum Mechanics (Term 1-2)
Andrey Semenov
63 per term
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2018-2021)
Dmitry Artamonov 3 DG030005
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2022-2025)
Viktoria Mikhaylova 3 DG030005b
Permafrost and Natural Hydrates
Evgeny Chuvilin 3 MA030343
Photonics Devices and Measurements
Pavel Dorozhkin 3 MA030582
Photonics Research Seminar Series (Term 2-4)
Pavlos Lagoudakis
31 per term
Physics (Term 1-4) Vladimir Aksenov
102.5 per term
Planning Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence
Gonzalo Ferrer 3 MA030420
Power Markets and Regulations
Marina Dolmatova 6 MA060441
Principles of Applied Statistics
Maxim Panov 3 MA030416
Qualifying Exam: Computational and Data Science and Engineering
Nikolay Brilliantov 3 DD030020cd
Qualifying Exam: Petroleum Engineering
Mikhail Spasennykh 3 DD030020pe
Quantum Chemistry (Term 1-2)
Nikita Rybin
31.5 per term
Research Methodology: CMT Research Seminar (Term 2-4)
Ivan Sergeichev
31 per term
Research Practice Seminar "Energy Systems and Technologies" (Term 2-4)
Elena Gryazina
31 per term
Research Seminar "Advanced Materials Science" (Term 2-4)
Sergey Luchkin
31 per term
Research Seminar "Advanced Materials Science" (Term 2-4)
Sergey Luchkin
1.50.5 per term
Research Seminar "Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics" (Term 1-4)
Andrey Marshakov
61.5 per term
Research Seminar in Computational Mechanics (Term 2-4) Aslan Kasimov
31 per term
Reservoir Rock Characterization Alexei Tchistiakov 6 MA060346
Dzmitry Tsetserukou 6 MA060050
Semiconducting Materials and Devices Artyom Novikov 3 MA030687
Solving MILP Industrial Problems
Roland Hildebrand 3 MA030745
Spectral Methods in Chemistry and Materials Science (Term 1-2)
Ivan Ivanov
93 per term
Startup Workshop
Dmitry Kulish 6 E&I MC060025
Stochastic Methods in Mathematical Modelling and Artificial Intelligence
Vladimir Palyulin 6 MA060363
Structural Analysis and Design
Ivan Sergeichev 6 MA060067
Sustainability and Resilience of Energy System
Irina Gayda 3 MA030572
Systems Engineering
Clement Fortin 6 MA060023
Technology Entrepreneurship Seminar: Foundation (Term 1B-2)
Alexey Nikolaev
31.5 per term
E&I MC030029a
Theoretical Methods of Deep Learning
Dmitry Yarotsky 3 MA030327
Thermal Petrophysics and Geothermy
Yuri Popov 6 DA060295
Thesis Proposal Defense
Viktoria Mikhaylova
6 per term
Transformers in Computer Vision Sergey Zagoruyko 3 MA030702
Course Title Lead Instructors Hours Course Code

Term 3

Course Title Lead Instructors ECTS Credits Stream Course Code Status
3D Bioprinting: Processes, Materials, and Applications
3 MA030354
Academic Communication: Preparatory English for PhD Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 Extra DF030029
Academic Writing Essentials
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 ME030569
Academic Writing Essentials (Life Sciences)
Anastasiia Sharapkova 3 ME030569l
Applied Geomechanics
Sergey Stanchits 6 DA060190
Around the Ising Model in 20 Hours (Term 3-4)
63 per term
Atomic Processes at Crystal Surfaces Sergey Kosolobov 3 MA030684
Basic Molecular Biology Techniques
Alexey Kulikovsky 6 MA060022a
Blockchain Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Dmitry Kulish 6 E&I MC060639
Business Communication
Maxim Kiselev 3 E&I MC030014
Cancer Biology
Vera Rybko 3 MA030088
Carbon Nanomaterials
Albert Nasibulin 6 MA060044
CDE Seminars (Term 2-4)
Clement Fortin
31 per term
Cell Biology Lab Course
Olga Dontsova 6 MA060134
Cell Technologies and Neuroengineering Olga Sindeeva 6 MA060676
Computational Materials Science Seminar (Term 2-4)
Dmitry Aksenov
31 per term
Computational Methods in Plant and Animal Genetics
Laurent Gentzbittel 6 MA060022c
Computations and Data in Atomic-level Modeling Alexander Shapeev 6 MA060688
Continuum Mechanics (Term 2-3)
Robert Nigmatulin
63 per term
Control Systems Engineering
Dzmitry Tsetserukou 6 MA060083
Crystal Structure Investigation Methods
Artem Abakumov 6 MA060531
DFT-methods (Term 3-4) Sergey Levchenko
31.5 per term
Engineering Design Factory
Clement Fortin 6 MA060603
Engineering the Interaction of Light with Matter at the Nanoscale Vasily Fedotov 3 MA030685
English for BSc Thesis (Term 3-4)
Elizaveta Tikhomirova
31.5 per term
English. Candidate Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 DG030003
Entrepreneurial Marketing and Commercialization
Alexander Chekanov 3 E&I MC030445
Environmental Dynamics in Agriculture
Raghavendra Jana 6 DA060643
Finite Element Analysis
Ivan Sergeichev 6 MA060355
Foreign Language (Term 1-4) Pyotr Lavrentev
92.25 per term
Foundations of Multiscale Modeling: Kinetics
Nikolay Brilliantov 6 MA060326
Fundamentals of Additive Technologies
Stanislav Evlashin 6 MA060243
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Aslan Kasimov 3 MA030570
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
Dmitry Shadrin 3 MA060186
Fundamentals of Wireless Communications
Kirill Andreev 6 MA060527
Gas Recovery and Gas Hydrates
Vladimir Istomin 6 MA060291
Geometry in Field Theory, First Step (Term 3-4)
Alexey Rosly
63 per term
History and Philosophy of Science. Candidate Exam
Ivan Lupandin 6 DG060026
Immunology (Term 3-4)
Dmitriy Chudakov
63 per term
Industrial Immersion: Research Project (Term 3-4)
Stanislav Fedotov
84 per term
Industrial Immersion: Scientific and Research Work (Term 1-4) Stanislav Fedotov
124 per term
Integrable Many-Body Systems and Nonlinear Equations (Term 3-4)
Anton Zabrodin
63 per term
Integrated Silicon Photonics
Vladimir Drachev 3 MA030581
Introduction to Blockchain
Yury Yanovich 3 MA030272
Introduction to IoT
Andrey Somov 3 MA030233
Introduction to Product Lifetime Management (PLM)
Andreas Panayi 6 MA060535
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Term 3-4)
Vladimir Losyakov
63 per term
Introduction to Recommender Systems
Evgeny Frolov 3 MA030499
Invention Disclosure Workshop (IDW) Alexandra Rogacheva 6 MС060746
Laser Physics
Yuriy Gladush 6 MA060143
Machine Learning
Evgeny Burnaev 6 MA060018
Master Your Thesis in English
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 ME030567
Master Your Thesis in English (Life Sciences)
Anastasiia Sharapkova 3 ME030567l
Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Applied Science (Term 6-7)
Aslan Kasimov
63 per term
Methods of Conformal Field Theory for Quantum Field Theory and String Theory (Term 3-4)
63 per term
Methods of Experimental Physics (Practical Course) (Term 2-3)
Valery Ryazanov
63 per term
MIMO Systems in Wireless Communications
Vladimir Lyashev 3 MA030412
Modern Dynamical Systems (Term 3-4)
Alexandra Skripchenko
63 per term
Modern Engineering Graphics for High TRL Development
Konstantin Makarenko 3 MA030605
Yuri Kotelevtsev 3 MA030402
Neurotechnology Lab Course
Nikolay Koshev 6 MA060022b
Non-Equilibrium Processes in Energy Conversion
Henni Ouerdane 6 DA060200
Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws (Term 3-4)
Aslan Kasimov
63 per term
Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Science (Term 2-3)
63 per term
Omics Data Analysis (Term 3-4)
Ekaterina Khrameeva
63 per term
Optical Communications. Basics
Arkady Shipulin 3 MA030500
Optimization Methods
Elena Gryazina 6 MA060002
Orbital Mechanics
Maria Kudryashova 6 DA060380
Organic Chemistry for Energy Materials
Olga Shmatova 6 MA060590
Parallel Training of Large Language Models Aleksandr Mikhalev 3 MA030707
Patent Application Workshop Alexandra Rogacheva 6 E&I MC060680 CANCELLED
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2018-2021)
Dmitry Artamonov 3 DG030005
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2022-2025)
Viktoria Mikhaylova 3 DG030005b
Perception in Robotics
Gonzalo Ferrer 6 MA060283
Petroleum Geophysics
Ivan Kulakov 6 MA060561
Petrophysics and Well Log Interpretation
Alexei Tchistiakov 3 MA030289
Photonics Research Seminar Series (Term 2-4)
Pavlos Lagoudakis
31 per term
Physics (Term 1-4) Vladimir Aksenov
102 per term
Physics of Colloids and Interfaces
Dmitry Gorin 6 MA060524
Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology Maria Logacheva 3 MA030673
Power Electronics
Federico Martin Ibanez 6 MA060198
Qualifying Exam: AgroBioTechnologies and Engineering
Cecile Ben 3 DD030020a
Qualifying Exam: Computational and Data Science and Engineering
Nikolay Brilliantov 3 DD030020cd
Qualifying Exam: Engineering Systems
Henni Ouerdane 3 DD030020es
Qualifying Exam: Life Sciences
Mikhail Gelfand 3 DD030020ls
Qualifying Exam: Materials Science and Engineering
Artem Abakumov 3 DD030020ms
Qualifying Exam: Petroleum Engineering
Mikhail Spasennykh 3 DD030020pe
Qualifying Exam: Physics
Nikolay Gippius 3 DD030020p
Reinforcement Learning
Pavel Osinenko 6 MA060422
Research Methodology for AgroBioTechnologies
Hassan Baneh 3 DA030641
Research Methodology for Engineering Systems
Clement Fortin 3 DG030102cf
Research Methodology: CMT Research Seminar (Term 2-4)
Ivan Sergeichev
31 per term
Research Practice Seminar "Energy Systems and Technologies" (Term 2-4)
Elena Gryazina
31 per term
Research Seminar "Advanced Materials Science" (Term 2-4)
Sergey Luchkin
31 per term
Research Seminar "Advanced Materials Science" (Term 2-4)
Sergey Luchkin
1.50.5 per term
Research Seminar "Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics" (Term 1-4)
Andrey Marshakov
61.5 per term
Research Seminar in Computational Mechanics (Term 2-4) Aslan Kasimov
31 per term
Review of Materials and Devices for Nano- and Optoelectronics
Valery Ryazanov 3 MA030206
Signal Processing for Communications
Andrey Ivanov 6 MA060592
Spacecraft and Mission Design
Mahdi Reza Akhlumadi 6 MA060074 CANCELLED
Spatial Data Analytics of Agro-Environmental Systems
Raghavendra Jana 3 DA030644
Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials
Alexey Sokolik 3 MA030162
Startups LaunchPad: DeepTech and Digital
Alexey Nikolaev 6 E&I MC060545
Statistical Data Analysis Lab Anna Tkachev 3 MA030675
Structural Bioinformatics
Dmitry Ivankov 6 MA060375
Structure and Properties of Materials
Artem Oganov 6 MA060075
Technology Entrepreneurship Seminar: Advanced (Term 3-4)
Alexey Nikolaev
31.5 per term
E&I MC030029b
Tensor Decompositions and Tensor Networks in Artificial Intelligence
Anh Huy Phan 6 MA060468
Thesis Defense (Term 3-4) Stanislav Fedotov
63 per term
Thesis Proposal Defense
Viktoria Mikhaylova
6 per term
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Oleg Rogov 3 MA030706
X-ray diffraction
Aleksandra Savina 4 BA040648

Term 4

Course Title Lead Instructors ECTS Credits Stream Course Code Status
Advanced Additive Manufacturing – Ceramics
Svyatoslav Chugunov 3 MA030516
Advanced Control Methods
Pavel Osinenko 6 MA060501
Advanced Fluid Mechanics: Incompressible Flows Dmitry Kolomenskiy 3 MA030578
Advanced Materials Modeling
Sergey Levchenko 6 DA060341
Advanced PLM: Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing (Term 4-5) Andreas Panayi
63 per term
Agro R&D In' Immersion
Cecile Ben,
Natalia Klimova
6 Sector DB060646
Animal Breeding Strategies
Hassan Baneh 3 DA030645
Antibiotics and Antimicrobials Dmitrii Lukianov 3 MA030677
Applied Materials and Design
Alexander Korsunsky 6 MA060431
Around the Ising Model in 20 Hours (Term 3-4)
63 per term
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in E&I 6 E&I MC060681
Biomaterials and Nanomedicine
Gleb Sukhorukov 3 MA030405
Biomedical Application of Photonics
Dmitry Gorin 6 MA060158
Biomedical Imaging and Analytics
Dmitry Dylov 6 MA060305
Dmitri Pervouchine 6 MA060036
Carbonate Reservoir Geology, 3D Modeling and Preparing Research Reports
Alexei Tchistiakov 6 MA060467
Catalysis of Sustainable Development
Dmitry Krasnikov 6 MA060502
CDE Seminars (Term 2-4)
Clement Fortin
31 per term
Computational Materials Science Seminar (Term 2-4)
Dmitry Aksenov
31 per term
Computational Neuroimaging: Mathematical Foundations and Calculus Nikolay Koshev 3 MA030704
Deep Learning
Ivan Oseledets 3 DA030057
Design of Chemical Sensors: from Fundamentals to Applications
Fedor Fedorov 3 MA030446
Developing Products and Services Through Design Thinking
Alexander Chekanov 3 E&I MC030022
DFT-methods (Term 3-4) Sergey Levchenko
31.5 per term
Elecromobility Federico Martin Ibanez 3 MA030701
Electrochemistry: Fundamentals to Applications
Victoria Nikitina 6 MA060127
Embedded Systems and Intelligent Sensors
Andrey Somov 6 MA060474
Engineering Design Factory
Clement Fortin 6 MA060603
Engineering Design Factory for Innovation
Clement Fortin 6 E&I MC060603
English for BSc Thesis (Term 3-4)
Elizaveta Tikhomirova
31.5 per term
English for BSc_Beginners
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 BE030671
English. Candidate Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 DG030003
Evolutionary Neurobiology
Philipp Khaitovich 3 MA030551
Experimental Optics II
Sakellaris Mailis 6 MA060336
Fabrication Technology of Nanodevices
Vladimir Antonov 6 MA060311
Foreign Language (Term 1-4) Pyotr Lavrentev
92.25 per term
Functional Materials and Coatings
Dmitriy Dzhurinskiy 6 MA060514
Functional Neuroimaging 6 MA060679
Fundamentals of Metallurgy
Stanislav Evlashin 3 MA030519
Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics
Ghader Rezazadeh 3 MA030575
Generative Artificial Intelligence Alexander Korotin 3 MA030709
Genome-based Data-driven Plant Breeding Workshop
Cecile Ben 6 MA060510
Geometrical Methods of Machine Learning
Alexander Bernstein 3 MA030169
Geometry in Field Theory, First Step (Term 3-4)
Alexey Rosly
63 per term
Geostatistics and Reservoir Simulation
Dmitri Koroteev 6 MA060085
High Performance Computing and Modern Architectures
Sergey Rykovanov 6 MA060287
Immunology (Term 3-4)
Dmitriy Chudakov
63 per term
Industrial Immersion: Research Project (Term 3-4)
Stanislav Fedotov
84 per term
Industrial Immersion: Scientific and Research Work (Term 1-4) Stanislav Fedotov
124 per term
Innovators’ Essential Skills
Maxim Kiselev 3 E&I MC030564
Integrable Many-Body Systems and Nonlinear Equations (Term 3-4)
Anton Zabrodin
63 per term
Introduction to Digital Pharma Natalia Strushkevich 3 MA030418
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Term 3-4)
Vladimir Losyakov
63 per term
Machine Learning for Engineering Applications
Petr Zhilyaev 3 MA030518
Machine Learning in Structural Bioinformatics and Chemoinformatics
Petr Popov 6 MA060471
Master Your Thesis in English 2 (Life Sciences)
Anastasiia Sharapkova 3 ME030669
Master Your Thesis in English 2 (Multidisciplinary)
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 ME030668
Mathematical Modelling in Innovation
Dmitry Kulish 6 E&I DC060021
Methods of Conformal Field Theory for Quantum Field Theory and String Theory (Term 3-4)
63 per term
Methods of Enhanced Oil Recovery
Alexey Cheremisin 6 MA060117
Model-Based and Data-Driven Engineering for Spacecraft Design
Tatiana Podladchikova 6 MA060725
Modern Applications of Information Theory
Alexey Frolov,
Pavel Rybin
3 MA030414
Modern Dynamical Systems (Term 3-4)
Alexandra Skripchenko
63 per term
Nanomaterials E&I
Albert Nasibulin,
Dmitry Kulish
6 E&I MC060030
Nanomaterials E&I
Albert Nasibulin,
Dmitry Kulish
Neurodegenerative Disorders Yuri Kotelevtsev 3 MA030678
Neuromorphic Computing
Nikolay Brilliantov 3 MA030407
Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws (Term 3-4)
Aslan Kasimov
63 per term
Omics Data Analysis (Term 3-4)
Ekaterina Khrameeva
63 per term
Omics Technology
Evgeny Nikolaev 3 MA030586
Optical communications. Applications
Arkady Shipulin 3 MA030503
Orbital Maneuvering Maria Kudryashova 3 MA030711
Organic Geochemistry of Petroleum Systems
Nikolai Pedentchouk 3 MA030466
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2018-2021)
Dmitry Artamonov 3 DG030005
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2022-2025)
Viktoria Mikhaylova 3 DG030005b
Photonics Research Seminar Series (Term 2-4)
Pavlos Lagoudakis
31 per term
Physics (Term 1-4) Vladimir Aksenov
102 per term
Qualifying Exam: Mathematics and Mechanics
Andrey Marshakov,
Robert Nigmatulin
3 DD030020mm
Qualifying Exam: Petroleum Engineering
Mikhail Spasennykh 3 DD030020pe
Quantum Optics
Maxim Gladush 3 MA030161
Research Methodology: Bioinformatics
Mikhail Gelfand 3 DA030404
Research Methodology: CMT Research Seminar (Term 2-4)
Ivan Sergeichev
31 per term
Research Methodology: Computational and Data Science and Engineering
Maxim Fedorov 3 DG030102
Research Methodology: CPSE Seminar
Chengdong Yuan 3 DG030102pe
Research Methodology: Molecular Biology
Artem Isaev 3 DA030403
Research Practice Seminar "Energy Systems and Technologies" (Term 2-4)
Elena Gryazina
31 per term
Research Seminar "Advanced Materials Science" (Term 2-4)
Sergey Luchkin
31 per term
Research Seminar "Advanced Materials Science" (Term 2-4)
Sergey Luchkin
1.50.5 per term
Research Seminar "Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics" (Term 1-4)
Andrey Marshakov
61.5 per term
Research Seminar in Computational Mechanics (Term 2-4) Aslan Kasimov
31 per term
Review of Materials and Devices for Nano- and Optoelectronics 2
Valery Ryazanov 3 MA030334
Smart Grids
Federico Martin Ibanez 6 MA060056
Startup Workshop
Dmitry Kulish 6 E&I MC060025
Superconducting Quantum Technologies
Oleg Astafiev 6 MA060340
Technological Innovations: from Research Results to Commercial Product
Pavel Dorozhkin 3 E&I MC030016 CANCELLED
Technology Entrepreneurship Seminar: Advanced (Term 3-4)
Alexey Nikolaev
31.5 per term
E&I MC030029b
Thesis Defense (Term 3-4) Stanislav Fedotov
63 per term
Thesis Final Review
Nadezhda Dontsu
6 per term
Thesis Proposal Defense
Viktoria Mikhaylova
6 per term
Transformers and Large Language Models
Alexander Panchenko 3 MA030556
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Haptics
Dzmitry Tsetserukou 3 MA030456


Course Title Lead Instructors ECTS Credits Stream Course Code Status
Academic Communication: Preparatory English for PhD Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 Extra DF030029
English. Candidate Exam
Elizaveta Tikhomirova 3 DG030003
Industiral Immersion
Zhanna Turubarova
12 per term
Sector MB120005
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2018-2021)
Dmitry Artamonov 3 DG030005
Pedagogical Experience (cohorts 2022-2025)
Viktoria Mikhaylova 3 DG030005b
Qualifying Exam: Computational and Data Science and Engineering
Nikolay Brilliantov 3 DD030020cd
Research Immersion
12 Sector MB120006m
Thesis Final Review
Nadezhda Dontsu
6 per term
Thesis Final Review: Computational and Data Science and Engineering Nikolay Brilliantov 6 DD480037cd
Thesis Final Review: Engineering Systems Henni Ouerdane 6 DD480037es
Thesis Final Review: Life Sciences Mikhail Gelfand 6 DD480037ls
Thesis Final Review: Materials Science and Engineering Artem Abakumov 6 DD480037ms
Thesis Final Review: Mathematics and Mechanics Andrey Marshakov,
Robert Nigmatulin
6 DD480037mm
Thesis Final Review: Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Spasennykh 6 DD480037pe
Thesis Final Review: Physics Nikolay Gippius 6 DD480037p
Thesis Proposal Defense
Viktoria Mikhaylova
6 per term

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Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology