It’s mathematics that helps us to describe, foresee, formalize and organize our lives. There is no doubt in its significance and value nowadays. Biologists, economists, historians, geographers, businessmen, politicians – all are dealing with this science every day, more or less.

However, few people really know what happens with mathematics nowadays: we have invited the leading experts of the nation to tell about it. Mathematics is a precise and very complicated science, that is why we have decided to reduce the degree of intellectual tensity and chose a laid-back format of a stroll…

About the project

The scienсe & education media project ‘Mathematical strolls’  means walks and conversations with scientists in the ‘mathematical’ sites in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of the country. During the conversations the main character tells about life, mathematics, science in general, scientists, music, poetry…

The project is aimed at the promotion of scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary projects which are based on mathematics; promotion of the achievements of Russian scientists; involvement of young people in scientific activities; creation of the ‘mathematical map’ of Russia via the the stories told by project characters about iconic places related to outstanding mathematicians of Russia, the history of shaping of the physic-mathematical community of the country.

Don’t you still believe that mathematics can be exciting? Let’s take a stroll!

‘Mathematical strolls’ is a joint project of the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission problems of RAS and Skoltech. The project is supported by ‘Kommersant’ Publishing House and ‘Ogonyok’ magazine, ‘Troitsky variant – Nauka’ newspaper, ‘Kot Shroedingera’ magazine, and ‘PostNauka’ web-portal.

Media partners of the project

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December 23, 2016
Marvelous school years...
Grigory Kabatyansky 
November 29, 2016
A walk with Alexander Bernshteyn
Alexander Bernshteyn 
November 24, 2016
A walk with Alexander Gaifullin
Alexander Gaifullin 
November 16, 2016
November 9, 2016
November 9, 2016
October 29, 2016
PostNauka - work in progress
Vladimir Spokoiny 
October 23, 2016
A walk through time
Sergey Novikov 
October 10, 2016
A walk in Repino
Anatoly Vershik 

More events...
2024 © Skoltech, Mathematical Strolls