Сколтех — новый технологический университет, созданный в 2011 году в Москве командой российских и зарубежных профессоров с мировым именем. Здесь преподают действующие ученые, студентам дана свобода в выборе дисциплин, обучение включает работу над собственным исследовательским проектом, стажировку в индустрии, предпринимательскую подготовку и постоянное нахождение в международной среде.

Архив метки: nuclear technologies

Guest Lectures on Nuclear Energy and Power Plants

Korea Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant. Photo courtesy of IAEA Imagebank, Flickr

Korea Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant. Photo courtesy of IAEA Imagebank, Flickr

We are glad to invite you to guest lectures on nuclear energy. the talks will be delivered by Mr Henri Paillère (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency) and Mr Edouard Hourcade (the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission).

When: Monday, 23 March 2015 at 9.30 (till 12.30)

Where: Hypercube building, 3rd floor




  • Henri Paillère (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency). “Non-power applications and co-generation with NPPs”.

 The lecture will review the possibilities of non-electric application and co-generation with nuclear power plants, in particular sea water desalination and district heat production. Also, a more perspective high-temperature applications like coal liquefaction and hydrogen production will be discussed.

Henri Paillère is a nuclear energy analyst at OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Henri has started his carrier at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA). In 2001-2006, he was the head of the CEA laboratory dealing with hydrogen safety issues (nuclear safety and non-nuclear applications). After this period, he moved to Alstom where he managed R&D programs for Alstom Power Nuclear Business.


  • Edouard Hourcade (the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission). “Generation IV Sodium Fast reactors”.

 In the first part of the lecture, Edouard will present the general principles and history of sodium fast reactors (SFR) – one of the most promising reactor technologies for the future. SFRs are key for closing the nuclear fuel cycle, and this is the reason why these reactors have been actively developed by several nations, in particular France and Russia. The second part of the lecture will give insight on several technical challenges and solutions under investigation for current projects.

Edouard started his career as a researcher at the CEA in 2002. In 2009-2014 he was the head of a Sodium Fast Reactor simulation team at the CEA, and since 2014 he holds the position of safety and nuclear island coordinator for fast reactor project ASTRID.

For info and registration please contact Anna Sharova: a.sharova@skoltech.ru

Seminar June 9 – The How and What of Creating a Nuclear Research Center: An Expert’s Perspective

The Skoltech Center for Nuclear Systems and Materials is work-in-progress. In the run-up to its launch, Dr. Leslie Jardine, an independent consultant and expert on nuclear fuel cycle, will present his perspective on how to establish and run this CREI (Center for Research and Education).

Image courtesy Mooshuu, Flickr

Image courtesy Mooshuu, Flickr


 Speaker: Dr. Leslie J Jardine

When: June 9, 2014, 13.30 – 15.00

Where: Beijing-1 Auditorium, China cluster, Skolkovo School of Management


The implementation of the proposed CREI (Center for Research, Education and Innovation) for Nuclear Systems and Materials Technologies at Skoltech offers both common as well as unique challenges and issues compared to other Skoltech CREI’s that do not involve nuclear materials or radioactive materials. These main challenges and issues need as first step to be identified, defined, organized and incorporated into an implementation strategy and vision for the CREI.

Dr. Jardine has over four decades of work experience in nuclear technologies and the nuclear fuel cycle involving science, R&D and applied nuclear projects. Some of this experience will be summarized and used to illustrate several examples of challenges and issues that the CREI for Nuclear Technologies must address in its startup, implementation and integration into, and with, Skoltech’s nuclear systems and materials education and innovation activities.

In addition, he will highlight some Russian (Rosatom) nuclear fuel cycle activities and multiple Rosatom organization’s with whom he has worked for the past 18 years on Rosatom’s applied nuclear projects and Federal Targeted Programs with further examples. Rosatom and their nuclear power and nuclear fuel cycle strategy and its implementation into the global world markets is a primary customer and market respectively that the CREI for Nuclear Systems and Materials Technologies, as well as Skoltech itself, must address in their implementation activities over the next decade and beyond.


Dr. Leslie L. Jardine

Dr. Leslie L. Jardine


Dr. Leslie Jardine is an independent consultant for technical, scientific and management activities for the nuclear fuel cycle. He retired from the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2006 and worked previously at two other DOE National Laboratories and one private engineering company.

Dr. Jardine received his PhD and MS in nuclear engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. He spent four postdoctoral years at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, seven years at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, seven years at Bechtel National in San Francisco, a private engineering company and seventeen years at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. After retirement Dr. Jardine performed independent technical, scientific and management consulting for multiple clients including the US Department of Energy-Nuclear Energy, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Carnegie Endowment Foundation Moscow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Bechtel National Inc. He is an expert on the Russian (Rosatom) nuclear fuel cycle.

Dr. Jardine is an author or co-author of 3 books, over 140 journal or proceedings articles and over 110 reports on radioactive decay, nuclear fuel cycle facilities, fissile materials disposition, nuclear weapons component manufacturing, radioactive waste management, spent fuel storage, plutonium packaging and storage, non aqueous fuel reprocessing, geologic disposal, nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear measurement instrument calibration.

He is a former Chairman of the Atomic Industrial Forum’s High‑Level Radioactive Waste Subcommittee and Spent Fuel Subcommittee member, and the recipient of the 1971 American Nuclear Society (ANS) Northern California Edward Teller Award. He was an Atomic Energy Commission Fellowship recipient from 1967 to 1969.

Dr Jardine is member of the American Nuclear Society, a Waste Management Symposium Fellow and member of the National Ski Patrol.

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