We are sorry to announce that The Skoltech Colloquium planned for this week is cancelled and rescheduled for May 2015.
Abstract: Professor Peter Markowich presents nonlinear partial differential equation models for some problems in the socio-economic sciences:
1) a parabolic free boundary problem describing the evolution of the price of a good in an economic market.
2) a Boltzmann-type kinetic model for opinion formation in human societies under the presence of strong leaders.
3) a mean field (human) crowd motion model consisting of a nonlinear conservation law for the crowd density coupled to an eikonal mean field. The presented systems are based on modeling ideas stemming from statistical physics, adapted to the social science topics.
They feature interesting mathematical/analytical twists, which will be discussed in detail.
What: Partial Differential Equations Models in the Socio-Economic Sciences
Where: Hypercube, 3rd floor
When: September 11, 16.00
Guest speaker: Professor Peter Markowich works in applied partial differential equations, covering modeling, analysis and numerics. His favorite topics are (nonlinear) Schrödinger equations, semiclassical analysis, kinetic theory and the connection of diffusion-convection equations and functional inequalities.
He is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and currently he is a Distinguished Professor at King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology (on leave from Cambridge). Peter Markowich has received important national and international awards and was plenary speaker at the ICIAM 2003 and invited speaker at the ICM 2010.
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