Сколтех — новый технологический университет, созданный в 2011 году в Москве командой российских и зарубежных профессоров с мировым именем. Здесь преподают действующие ученые, студентам дана свобода в выборе дисциплин, обучение включает работу над собственным исследовательским проектом, стажировку в индустрии, предпринимательскую подготовку и постоянное нахождение в международной среде.

Архив метки: Licensing

Azad University Delegation’s visit to Skoltech

Representatives of the world’s largest Islamic Azad University of Iran visited Skoltech to learn about the university and its capabilities, and to discuss cooperation. The Iranian delegation was led by President of the Islamic Azad University professor Hamid Mirzadeh.


Alexey Sitnikov, Skoltech’s Vice President for Institutional and Resource Development, and professor Hamid Mirzadeh, President of the Islamic Azad University.

Alexey Sitnikov, Skoltech’s Vice President for Institutional and Resource Development, introduced Skoltech’s areas of expertise to the Iranian delegation and told the guests about the partnership programs with Russian and foreign universities. After the meeting, the guests from the Islamic Republic of Iran were taken on a demonstrative tour in several labs.

The particular interest of Mr. Mirzade was driven by Skoltech’s experience in the field of technology transfer and cooperation with industrial partners. The second most important direction, which could become the basis for cooperation between Skoltech and the University of Azad, was improving the quality of teaching in the Iranian university by directing its undergraduates to study at Skoltech, as well as the participation of Skoltech professors in the curriculum of the Iranian university.


Prof. Dzmitry Tsetserukou shows the Iranian guests the capabilities of his robotics lab.

Founded in 1982 in Tehran, the Islamic Azad University is the largest private institution of higher education in Iran and the Middle East. It has about 1.7 million. students around the world. The faculty of the University consists of more than 44,000 employees. The University has 28 research centers. The University has 400 offices in Iran and abroad. Today, its branches exist in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, UK, Tanzania, Lebanon and Armenia.

Azad University has a number of partners in joint educational and research projects include such universities as the University of Gothenburg and Ottawa, University of Rome La Sapienza, the Moscow Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology,  University Consortium for Political Studies in Lyon and Grenoble, the Marc Bloch University (Strasbourg), Charles University in Prague, Technical University of Dresden and many others. It is an indispensable participant in scientific Olympiads, including international robotics competition (RoboCup).


The Licensing Game

The purpose of the intellectual property licensing exercise, held for the first time at Skoltech, was to give students a sense of the challenging and often stressful nature of patenting, market analysis, financial negotiations and deal closing in the real world.

The purpose of the intellectual property licensing exercise, held for the first time at Skoltech, was to give students a sense of the challenging and often stressful nature of patenting, market analysis, financial negotiations and deal closing in the real world.

In a fluorescent lit meeting room, isolated from the world by frosted glass walls, a Sunday afternoon drama is unfolding. Leaning over a small oblong desk, a young woman faces off with a young man. She is the coolheaded CEO of a multinational corporation which produces blood filtration materials for the biotech and health-care industries. He is the eager head of a startup company. They are thrashing out the final, crucial details of a major licensing deal.

Around the stuffy room, technology transfer experts, commercialization professionals and patent writers specializing in medical devices debate the latest offer on the table. An assistant struggles to locate a smartphone buried under a jumble of post-it notes and pizza trays. Yet one element is overlooked in the rush to meet a looming deadline for signing a game changing deal: this is a game.

Students in the new Skoltech course — called “Intellectual Property and Technological Innovation” — spent a whole weekend, day and night, negotiating a technology license agreement.  Forty two students, in nine teams and more than ten countries, spent two intensive days playing an “intellectual property licensing game” in which they had to: learn and hone negotiation skills; connect financial analysis, market analysis, industry analysis, intellectual property analysis and technology assessment; learn to master the art of working as a team; and reach a win-win licensing deal by the end of the weekend.  Each team spent many days in preparing prior to playing the game.

The intellectual property licensing game: "as tense as in real life".

The intellectual property licensing game: “as tense as in real life”.

As the negotiations are reaching boiling point, Professor Kelvin Willoughby, Associate Dean at Skoltech, who taught the course and oversaw the final exercise proceedings steps outside the room. Willoughby says he was impressed by how “most of the participants forgot that they were playing a game. They took on the persona of the corporate position they assumed, and strategized and negotiated as if their survival depended on it. It is a simulation, yet it is hard work and it is real.”

A sigh of relief is heard from inside the meeting room and the door is flung open. Participants are applauding one another and cheering. The fierce CEO and fearless entrepreneur shake hands. Everyone morphs back from character to student form. It is time to go to class for conclusions and takeaways.

(Text: Ilan Goren. Photos: kelvin Willoughby and Zeljko Tekic)




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Colloquium: Innovation at Skoltech

Innovation at Skoltech colloquium 12 March 2015We are pleased to invite you to the Skoltech Colloquium. This week two of the Institute’s experts discuss “Innovation at Skoltech”.

When: March 12, 4 pm

Where:  Moscow School of Management, Beijing-1 Auditorium – China cluster

Speaker: Dmitry Pebalk, CEI Program manager, Skoltech

Dmitry Pebalk has experience both in basic research with a Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry from Moscow State University and also in R&D management with MBA from the Academy of National Economy under the President of Russian Federation (Moscow). During his career he was involved in laboratory management, technology consulting and development of corporate R&D center. Since 2013 Dmitry joined Skoltech to manage Innovation Support Program as a core part of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI). He is also a board member of non-profit association for support of chemical and ecological education (http://www.chemeco.ru/).

What: On a way to innovation factory: Skoltech innovation program as a tool to make impact with your ideas

Abstract: This talk aims to explain the institute community the benefits of participation and organization of Skoltech innovation program. Starting with the general consideration of innovations systematic approach towards building of innovation factory at university is presented. Special emphasis is put on the original methodology of MIT Deshpande center and the way how it was adopted at Skoltech. Several examples are considered to explain the contents of the program and advantages of its participants. Plans for 2015/16 program cycle and key deadlines are discussed.


Speaker: Sergey Ulyakhin, Licensing and Technology Transfer Manager, Skoltech

Sergey Ulyakhin is working at Skoltech as a Licensing and Technology Transfer Manager since 2013. He has experience in both R&D and business. He obtained his master’s and Ph.D. degrees in polymer and solid-state physics from the Physics Department of the Moscow State University in 2003 and 2006, respectively. From 2006 till 2011 he worked in the Moscow Technology Center of LG Electronics in various technology consulting, technology development and R&D management positions. Since 2011 till 2013 Sergey held a position of a Project Director – Head of advanced technologies department at ELTON, JSC where Sergey with his team has successfully fulfilled a technology development and commercialization project in the area of energy storage devices. In August 2013 Sergey joined Skoltech as a Licensing and Technology Transfer Manager.

What: Knowledge to impact: effective management of Skoltech’s intellectual assets

 Abstract: Skoltech is a new type of university which is based on 3 pillars: research, education and innovation. The fact that differs Skoltech from many other Russian and foreign universities is that “innovation” pillar is the most important and essential one. According to Skoltech president’s message, Skoltech is aiming at becoming one of the most impactful universities in the world. In order to achieve this ambitious goal Skoltech is designing and implementing its knowledge management processes in a way as to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship for the effective creation and exploitation of its intellectual assets for the benefit of the general public. Protection and licensing of intellectual property is the essential part of this activity. This talk will explain how the Knowledge Transfer Office helps and supports researchers with promotion and commercialization of their inventions being created at Skoltech and/or with support of Skoltech.

* The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is a private graduate research university in Skolkovo, Russia, a suburb of Moscow. Established in 2011 in collaboration with MIT, Skoltech educates global leaders in innovation, advances scientific knowledge, and fosters new technologies to address critical issues facing Russia and the world. Applying international research and educational models, the university integrates the best Russian scientific traditions with twenty-first century entrepreneurship and innovation.


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