Сколтех — новый технологический университет, созданный в 2011 году в Москве командой российских и зарубежных профессоров с мировым именем. Здесь преподают действующие ученые, студентам дана свобода в выборе дисциплин, обучение включает работу над собственным исследовательским проектом, стажировку в индустрии, предпринимательскую подготовку и постоянное нахождение в международной среде.

Архив метки: Systems Engineering

Skoltech Center for Energy Systems held its 2nd International Conference

P1080103On May 30-31, the Skoltech Center for Energy Systems hosted its second international conference entitled: “Shaping research in integrated gas-, heat- and electric- energy infrastructures”. The conference was jointly organized with the International Institute for Energy Systems Integration (iiESI).

This conference is a continuation of the successful event that took place in June 2015, where the modern mathematical methods applied to energy systems were largely discussed. This year, the internationally invited experts from around the world shared their experiences and discussed the prospects for integration of thermal, gas and electric power systems.

The technical committee of the conference included prof. Janusz Bialek, Director of the Skoltech Center for Energy Systems, his colleagues: prof. Michael Chertkov and prof. Aldo Bischi, and prof. Mark O’Malley, Director of the Research Center for Electric Power, University College Dublin.

3During the first day and a half of the event ,the widely recognized scientists in the field from Russia, USA, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, UK, Ireland and Japan discussed the challenges and opportunities related to the integration of heat, gas and power infrastructures: Combined Cooling, Heat and Power (CCHP) units achieving higher efficiencies and lowering the environmental impact; fluctuating renewable energy sources as well as loads and prices; electric energy storage both conventional, e.g. electrochemical, and unconventional e.g. as synthetic fuels (hydrogen or synthetic methane) or as thermal energy via heat pumps; thermal energy storage both via buildings inertia and via dedicated heat storage tanks integrated in the district heating network; how to deal with emergencies and be sure to operate in a safe interval.

1The 2nd half of the second conference day was devoted to discussion of the techno-economic aspects and integrated energy infrastructures practical challenges from industrial point of view. The R&D Center of Federal Grid Company presented their research activities as well as the multi-utility company IREN (Italy). IREN is active in more than ten EU projects and brought a real world example from the Turin district heating network integration with advanced heat storage configurations and consequent power plants flexibilization with emissions reduction. A representative from DNV GL (USA) gave a talk on modeling of gas compression station. Nomura Research Institute (Japan) and University of Bologna (Italy) spinoff, OPTIT were also present; the latter developing software for distributed power generation optimization. Also the non-commercial Association “NP Market Council”, the Design and Analytical Company “LORES”, the startup “Thermal Motors” LLC (co-founded by Skoltech student Dmitry Smirnov) and their colleagues from the Italian AB Gruppo, which will soon open an office in Moscow, participated in the so-called round table discussion to voice the existing barriers and opted potential solutions in achieving the full scale energy systems integration. The conference participants expressed their great interest in this area, highlighting its great practical importance.

Professor Alexander Ustinov

Professor Alexander Ustinov

Professor Alexander Ustinov, Deputy Director of the Skoltech Center for Energy Systems: “For us, the conference is of interest because by it means we are implementing one of the Skoltech functions – attracting the international expertise. This year we were able to assemble the world’s leading experts in the field of energy systems. Moreover, not only theoreticians, but also industry professionals with practical experience. There were interesting reports made by colleagues from Denmark, USA, Italy and Japan. So, the experience of creation of small-scale integrated power systems with the use of local resources, shared by the colleagues from Europe, which may look as far from us at first glance is, in fact, relevant to a number of isolated settlements in Yakutia and the Far East.

Participation of the Russian companies’ representatives in the industrial part of the conference, which can be viewed as both the consumers of technologies and developers of the unique solutions, allowed us to get a clearer picture of the landscape that exists today in the world and a place in the development of integrated energy systems, which belongs to Russia. The industrial program of the conference, in addition to the mutual acquaintance with experience, is valuable because of making contacts that could lead to joint projects. For Skoltech, this conference is interesting by the fact that we are bringing expertise and funds. Our University is a good partner to enter to the Russian market for our foreign partners.”

Vittorio Verda

Vittorio Verda

Professor. Vittorio Verda, Polytechnic University Torino, Italy: “The field of my interests is design and modeling of district heating areas, including solutions in the field of thermal energy storage. This subject is very well developed in Russia and is important for me to share my knowledge in this field and to get acquainted with the opinion of colleagues. One could hardly find another such opportunity to meet in one place with a concentration of leading experts from the academic and industry practitioners and engineers. It is a good platform for the exchange of ideas and the emergence of joint research plans. For example, in the field of simulation of gas and electricity networks. If we talk about the fact that it was particularly interesting to me, it is, of course, attention and action that is paid to the reliability of the functioning of Russian district heating systems – we in the Mediterranean region do not have such developed and reliable systems, and we found here an interesting experience and good prospects for cooperation.”

Vladimir Shkatov

Vladimir Shkatov

According to Vladimir Shkatov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association “Non-Commercial Partnership Market Council on the organization of an effective system of electric power wholesale and retail trade and power”: “It is obvious that the current state of energy puts on the agenda the issue of integration, since the division of systems is very expensive. Speaking of integration, we mean that it is desirable to design and operate the support systems (heat, gas, elector, water supply, transport and so on) on the basis of a common approach to the operation and design. At some point in time of the 1970’s, we have done just that. Now the question is more efficient use of all types of energy, synergy is particularly urgent. And this decision is no longer a technological aspect, as it was in the USSR, and the aspect related to the business and political components. For us, this conference is interesting because of the fact that there have been discussed both technical and business aspects of solutions to this problem. Besides, it is always interesting to look and hear the international experience. “

Prof Golkar and Pres Crawley win Best Paper Award

Skoltech Space Center Prof. Alessandro Golkar

Skoltech Space Center Prof. Alessandro Golkar

The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has selected a paper by Prof Alessandro Golkar and President Edward Crawley to receive the Systems Engineering journal’s 2014 Best Paper of the Year Award.

The paper, A Framework for Space Systems Architecture under Stakeholder Objectives Ambiguity proposes to integrate methods from systems engineering, computational systems architecting, multidisciplinary systems design and optimization, uncertainty modeling, utility theory, and social science research. It allows decision makers to visualize an architectural synthesis of aerospace systems, understanding negative impacts of ambiguity, and supporting negotiations among stakeholders for efficient compromise in systems architecting.

The award was announced at the INCOSE International Symposium IS 2015 in Seattle, coinciding with the event’s 25th Anniversary Edition.

Golkar, who heads Skoltech’s Strategic Innovation Research Group (SIRG) and only recently clinched the prestigious Luigi G. Napolitano Award  thanked the journal’s editorial board. “I am delighted by this award and the recognition from INCOSE”, said the Italian born Skoltech researcher whose team of researchers focuses in systems design for Space, Energy, and other applications, and concepts such as ‘space as a service’ and Federated Satellite Systems. “The Council serves a very important role in making an impact on the world with systems engineering practice. Together with my students, we are now working on developing systems engineering competency here at Skoltech. We hope to contribute more to INCOSE publications in the future.”

Interestingly, the paper, which uses a robotic Mars expedition as a demonstration, won the prize on the same day the New Horizons spacecraft flies by Pluto on the outer edge of the solar system.

Text: Ilan Goren Photo: Alexey Kalabin

Double Seminar: 1. Satellite Telecommunication systems: a Case Study 2. Satellite networks: the Skyway to the Internet

Satellite flare, Moon trail and star trails. Image courtesy of MomentsForZen

Satellite flare, Moon trail and star trails. Image courtesy of MomentsForZen, FLickr

The Systems Engineering class invites you to 2 guest seminars by Prof. Michele Luglio, University of Rome Tor Vergata and the NITEL Consortium. The seminars will focus on Satellite Networks and Telecommunication Systems.

When: 14 October 2014, 09:00

Where: Hypercube building big classroom, 3rd floor, Skolkovo Innovation Center

Seminar 1 Satellite telecommunication systems: a case study worth to apply systems engineering


Satellite systems conceived, designed, realized and deployed for telecommunication purposes are complex enough to deserve a systems engineering approach for all their life cycle. In fact, several complex aspects must be considered for the successful implementation of such systems.

Firstly, the mechanical aspects concerning the orbital choice with related implications in terms of coverage, propagation channel, costs of injection in orbit, dimension of the satellite. Secondly,  the platform over which to develop the electronic part of the satellite.Currently available spacecraft are limited and each has its own constraints. Third aspect is the telecommunication, in strict sense, technology developments. They concern the communication standard (modulation, coding, multiple access, network protocols, etc.), the power needed to satisfy Bit Error Rate requirements (primary quality parameter in any telecommunication system), amd the service and user requirements that are then mapped into system requirements.

Last but not least, the ground segment is crucial to identify and satisfy the target market segment both in terms of performance and costs. Definitively, satellite systems can be classified as Systems of Systems because they involve mechanics, electronics, computer science, telecommunications, market and business models.

The seminar will introduce the main characteristics of constellations (GEO, LEO, MEO, HEO) utilized for telecommunications. Then, the system components will be described: Space segment (Payload), Ground segment (NOC, User terminal) and the integration with terrestrial networks will be addressed. Finally, currently operational services and applications will be addressed to approach the requirements definition (Throughput, Quality of Service, BER, etc.) which will be dealt with regard to a specific study case.

Seminar 2 Satellite networks: the skyway to the Internet


Satellite systems can typically play an important role in the information society thanks to their intrinsic capability to serve large areas, to cover where terrestrial systems are not available, to guarantee service continuity in case of disaster, and to even bridge the digital divide. The advent of Internet in daily life in the last decade (social networks, games, shopping, banking, education, medical assistance, etc.) and the challenge of the new requirements (full mobility and ubiquity) and paradigms (Cloud Computing, Software Defined Networks, etc.) increase the importance of this component of the network and challenge researchers to provide improved performance.

The use of P network protocols implies an adaptation to the new paradigms, taking into account the characteristics of the satellite infrastructure.

In particular, the transport protocol TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), which is based on a growing-decreasing window concept to perform congestion control, which is then greatly dependent on the Round Trip Delay (RTT), is negatively affected by a satellite due to the huge delay. Standard TCP over satellite links limits capacity utilization. It is responsible of the difference between the assigned and the experienced capacity.

This protocol is of paramount importance because it is used for almost all Internet applications and recently its use was enlarged to applications traditionally served by UDP (User Datagram Protocol), such as streaming, because it is provided through http protocol.

We can state that the Internet needs satellites to enhance coverage, to guarantee long range mobility, to ensure connection when and where terrestrial facilities are not present or out of order, but also that Satellites need Internet to distribute data efficiently and in standard way, to provide security also to Earth Observation data. Furthermore, satellite systems must tackle new paradigms such as Cloud Computing, Software Defined Network, Network Function Virtualization, Full Mobility, and Security.

The seminar will first address the role that satellite systems can play in the global Internet. Next, it will present the main characteristics of satellite systems having an impact on TCP performance. Specific solutions to improve performance will be presented. Finally, a perspective overview of services and applications provided by satellite systems in the near future will be presented.


For more info and registration please contact: 

Speaker Presentation: 

Prof. Michele Luglio received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He received the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications in 1994.

From August to December 1992 he worked, as visiting Staff Engineering at Microwave Technology and Systems Division of Comsat Laboratories (Clarksburg, Maryland, USA).

He received the Young Scientist Award from ISSSE ‘95.

From 1995 to 2004 he was research-teaching assistant at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

In 2001 and 2002 he was visiting Professor at the Computer Science department of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) to teach Satellite Networks class.

At present he is associate professor of telecommunication at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He works on designing satellite systems for multimedia services both mobile and fixed. He teaches “Satellite Telecommunications” and “Telecommunications basics”.

He works with ESA, ASI, EC on designing innovative satellite communications systems and coordinates the laboratory of the Satellite Multimedia Group at University of Rome Tor Vergata (www.tlcsat.uniroma2.it).

He is author of more than 130 international publications.

* The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is a private graduate research university in Skolkovo, Russia, a suburb of Moscow. Established in 2011 in collaboration with MIT, Skoltech educates global leaders in innovation, advances scientific knowledge, and fosters new technologies to address critical issues facing Russia and the world. Applying international research and educational models, the university integrates the best Russian scientific traditions with twenty-first century entrepreneurship and innovation.


Guest Lecture: Systems Engineering and Project Management – Crown Jewels of Competitive Enterprises

Project Manangement for Sytems Egnineering - crucial tool of the trade. Image courtesy of Mark Hunter

Project Manangement for Sytems Egnineering – crucial tool of the trade. Image courtesy of Mark Hunter

The Systems Engineering course invites you to a guest lecture titled Systems Engineering and Project Management – Crown Jewels of Competitive Enterprises by Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Stoewer, M.Sc.

When: October 16, 09:00

Where: Big classroom, 3rd floor, Hypercube Building, Skollkovo Innovation Center

Lecture Abstract:

Systems Engineering (SE) and Project Management (PM) are mandatory ingredients for managing complex projects. Both contribute to understanding and dealing with complexity in our high-tech world. They should be applied in a closely interrelated and complementary manner to be effective.

This lecture will shortly sketch the basics for both disciplines and demonstrate their interdependence along important technical and programmatic criteria. It will show successful SE and PM practices to prevent project failures.

The lecture will conclude with identifying major challenges for aspiring SEs and PMs and provide them with a few recipes for solving day-to-day system issues and leadership situations.


For more info and registration please contact: 


Prof. Dipl. Ing. Heinz Stoewer, Guest speaker at the Skoltech system engineering course

Prof. Dipl. Ing. Heinz Stoewer, Guest speaker at the Skoltech system engineering course

Speaker introduction

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Stoewer:

  • Advanced degrees in Technical Physics, Economics and Systems Management from German and US Universities
  • 1962 Boelkow KG, Munich, today Airbus Defence and Space, space project engineer/group leader
  • 1967 MDAC, USA, today Boeing, various systems and project management positions on “post Apollo” and advanced space transportation projects
  • 1973 European Space Agency, ESA, Technical Centre ESTEC, first Programme Manager Spacelab, building Europe’s foundations in “manned space”;

1978 Founder of ESA’s Systems Engineering and Programmatics Department with System Studies, System Integration, Programmatics and Technology R&D Divisions

  • 1986 Delft University of Technology, first Professor/Chair for Space Systems Engineering; Founding Director international postgraduate “SpaceTech” Master programme (part-time)
  • 1990 Managing Director national and international programmes German Space Agency (DARA GmbH); member/chair of various technical and policy boards, e.g. ESA Council and EO/MET Programme Board, CEAS, European Union Space Advisory Group, et al
  • 1995 Founder/President Space Associates GmbH, an international network based company with focus upon space, systems engineering, project management and education


  • Current functions and positions include:
  • Member Governing Boards of OHB AG, Germany, and Space Research Organization Netherlands (SRON)
  • Member Advisory Board Dutch National Space Agency (NSO)
  • Advisor Systems Engineering Airbus Corporate Technical Office (CTO)
  • Chair Airbus Defence and Space Academy internal Project Reviews and Training Boards, France and Germany
  • Distinguished Visiting Scientist NASA JPL, USA
  • Fellow and Past President International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
  • Past member German Aerospace Society (DGLR) Senate and Board of Trustees of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)
  • Emeritus Professor TU Delft and visiting professor at Universities in Japan (Keio) and Singapore (NUS)


  • Publications and honours:
  • > 90 scientific/technical publications on space and engineering subjects
  • Editor/co-editor/contributor of several books
  • Editorial boards of international scientific, technical & policy journals
  • Member Honorary Council “SpaceTech” and Honorary Member Leonardo da Vinci student association, TU Delft
  • National and international honours, amongst which NASA Administrator Public and Special Service Awards; German Parliament (Bundesrat-Senate) Medal


* The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is a private graduate research university in Skolkovo, Russia, a suburb of Moscow. Established in 2011 in collaboration with MIT, Skoltech educates global leaders in innovation, advances scientific knowledge, and fosters new technologies to address critical issues facing Russia and the world. Applying international research and educational models, the university integrates the best Russian scientific traditions with twenty-first century entrepreneurship and innovation.



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