Сколтех — новый технологический университет, созданный в 2011 году в Москве командой российских и зарубежных профессоров с мировым именем. Здесь преподают действующие ученые, студентам дана свобода в выборе дисциплин, обучение включает работу над собственным исследовательским проектом, стажировку в индустрии, предпринимательскую подготовку и постоянное нахождение в международной среде.

Архив метки: seminar

Seminar: Predictive Modeling: Methods and Applications

Predictive modeling in social networks. Image courtesy of Wikipedia under creative commons license

Predictive modeling in social networks. Image courtesy of Wikipedia under creative commons license (click on image to enlarge)

We invite you to a seminar on Predictive Modeling: Methods and Applications, with guest speaker Prof. Vladimir Spokoiny.

When: August 27, 2015, 13.30 – 15.00

Where: Room 423, TROC-3

Seminar Abstract

The talk explains some methods of modeling and production for complex systems based on the idea of structural adaptation.

The unknown structure of the underlying model is recovered from the data and used for its estimation, modeling, and prediction.

The methods are illustrated by several applications: medical fMRI imaging, pharmacokinetics, DNA analysis, clustering and classification, cognitive studies, pricing of American options, among others.


Prof. Vladimir Spokoiny

Prof. Vladimir Spokoiny (click to enlarge photo)

Speaker Introduction

Brief bio:

– PhD from Lomonosov U. Moscow in mathematics 1988

– habilitation in mathematics at Humboldt U. Berlin 1996

– since 1999 researcher in IITP RAS Moscow

– since 1993 researcher in Weierstrass Institute Berlin

– since 2000 head of research group in Weierstrass Institute Berlin

– since 2002 professor at Humboldt U. Berlin in mathematics and economy

– since 2011 professor at MITP Moscow, head of research group Premolab created by megagrant of the Russian government

– since 2012 professor of mathematics at Lomonosov U Moscow

– since 2014 Head of Sector N7 at IITP RAN

– since 2014 professor at HSE Moscow with the faculty of computer sciences, academic head of the master program MMOS.


Haptics: From Skin to Perception and Beyond

Haptics. Image courtesy of Sophie Charara

Haptics. Image courtesy of Sophie Charara (click to enlarge photo)

We invite you to a special seminar on “Haptics: From Skin to Perception and Beyond” with guest speaker Dr. Alexander V. Terekhov, Paris Descartes University (Paris 5).

Where: Auditorium 303, Technopark Building 3

When: 13.08.2015 14:00

For more info and registration please email  Yulia Ponomorenko: Y.Ponomarenko@skoltech.ru



Without the understanding the functioning of the visual system, advanced by Helmholz more than a century ago, we would not have had visual display and all related achievements, such as virtual reality helmets.

No similar breakthrough happened in tactile perception: our understanding of the ways it works did not change much since Aristotle. In my talk I will discuss the problem of tactile information processing at several levels: skin biomechanics, neural processing, and perception.

I will conclude with a new promising direction – sensory substitution – in which tactile modality is exploited to compensate the impairments in vision or audition.


Dr. Alexander Terekhov

Dr. Alexander Terekhov (click on image to enlarge)

Speaker Introduction

Alexander Terekhov was born in Moscow, Russia in 1981. He received his B.S. (2003) and Ph.D. (2007) in Applied Mathematics from the Moscow State University. His early work was mainly focused on biomechanics and control of human movements.

Being a postdoc at Penn State (2007-2008) he has identified the unique conditions for inverse optimization problem. This result was used to develop an algorithm for cost functions identification, which was applied to various human motor activities in healthy population as well as in patients.

In 2008 he switched to engineering and joined Movicom Ltd in Moscow to develop a system for aerial coverage of sport events which was used at Winter Olympics 2014. In 2009 he has made a sharp turn in his career by switching to the perception studies, at first to haptics, where he contributed to psychophysical and neurophysiological studies, and later to sensorimotor theory in general.

He is one of the main developers and popularizers of the formal sensorimotor theory of perception. Currently he works at the Paris Descartes University where he studies how naive agents (biological or artificial) can learn such fundamental perceptual notions as ‘space’, ‘body’, ‘object’, ‘tool’, ‘color’, etc.

Seminar: Inspiring Frontiers of Engineering

We invite you to a seminar with Dr. Marcos Pinotti titled “Inspiring Frontiers of Engineering”.

When: July 23, 2015, 13.30 – 15.00

Where: Room 403, TROC-3


Biomimetic refers to human-made processes, substances, devices, or systems that imitate nature. Image courtesy of wikipedia, under Creative Commons license

Biomimetic refers to human-made processes, substances, devices, or systems that imitate nature. Image courtesy of wikipedia, under Creative Commons license


Innovation is successful use of knowledge to create practical and tangible solutions for the benefit of society. This talk covers basic concepts of bioengineering, biomimetics and their connection with the spectrum of human activity.

In the work conducted in my Labs and companies, the interface with biology expands frontiers of engineering in benefit of health sciences (bioengineering) and in benefit of general engineering by learning nature inspired technologies (biomimetic).

Practical examples of translating science into innovation illustrate product development cycle, patent protection, licensing, regulatory process management and new business model organization. My personal plans for the closest future include:

1) Development of the next generation of orthopedic implants obtained by additive manufacturing

2) Designing light weight and safer car structures

3) Using cognitive computing and internet of things to achieve better diagnostics via equipment connectivity and self-learning by evidences.

Besides all technological difficulties faced in those projects, the creation of usable, tangible and economically viable products depends strongly on the development of new business models and new regulatory frame. The unveiled discoveries hidden beyond the horizon drive me as professor and entrepreneur, transforming the challenging difficulties into attractive and inspiring frontiers of engineering.


Dr Marcos Pinotti

Dr Marcos Pinotti


Marcos Pinotti is Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is the head of three research and innovation laboratories with strong connections to companies – Bioengineering Laboratory (LABBIO), Research Laboratory Applied to Neural Vision (LAPAN) and Advanced Laboratory of Law and Innovation (ALADIN).

He is one of Brazilian leading scientists, entrepreneurs and public actors committed to education, research and innovation. Marcos is the President of The Latin American Society of Biomaterials, Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering (SLABO), Secretary of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ABCM), Member of the Administrative Board of Belo Horizonte Technological Park (BHTEC), member of Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies (Denmark) and Fellow of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterial Sciences and Engineering (IUSBSE). In 2014, he served as the co-chairman of Bioengineering of the National Academy of Engineering Brazil-US Frontiers of Engineering.

Marcos is consultant for different corporations (GE Healthcare, FIAT, EMBRACO-Whirlpool, Vale and Thyssen Krupp) and medium size enterprises in Brazil, Italy and Russia. He also mentors startups companies. As entrepreneur, he founded three companies, one in the area of energy and two devoted to medical devices.

Marcos is also involved in federal policy development in Brazil, he served for more than ten years in the Technical Advisory Committee of the Brazilian President’s Office on Assistive Technology, organizing the scientific area and defining strategies to define investments, policies and regulations.

His research is focused in the areas of biomimetics, bioengineering (for automotive industry, regenerative medicine, cardiology, gynecology, dermatology, assistive technology and neurosciences), and innovation models for companies. He is Mechanical Engineer with Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer.

Seminar: Distributed Power Generation Optimization and Advanced Process Integration

Combined cooling, heat and power or co-generation at a power plant. Image courtesy of Wikipedia, under creative commons license

Combined cooling, heat and power (or co-generation) at a power plant. Image courtesy of Wikipedia, under creative commons license

We invite you to a seminar with Dr. Aldo Bischi on Distributed Power Generation Optimization and Advanced Process Integration.

When: July 21, 2015, 13.30 – 15.00   

Where: Room 402, TPOC-3


Seminar Abstract

 The talk will focus on the speaker main research streams: distributed power generation optimization and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

CO2 sequestration and utilization is a valuable bridging technology towards a sustainable future energy mix. At first, one of the most promising CCS technologies will be presented: Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC). Later, possible integrations with renewable energies will be shown, e.g. biomass (Bio-CCS) and power-to-gas methanation.

Combined Cooling, Heat and Power (CCHP) generation is an effective way to reduce primary energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Such systems make rational use of primary energy generating simultaneously heat, electric/mechanical power and refrigeration effect.

Several types of prime movers are suitable for cogenerative applications, ranging from microturbines to gas-steam turbine combined cycles. They can have more than one independent operative variable, highly nonlinear performance curves, limitations or penalizations affecting their start-up/shut-down operations. The CCHP units also depend on ambient temperature and may be integrated with heat pumps, renewable energy sources as well as energy storage. In addition national and European Union incentive policies come into play.

Due to the large number of decision variables and the necessity of determining trade-off solutions, the design and the operation planning require the development of specific optimization models discussed in the talk.


Dr. Aldo Bischi

Dr. Aldo Bischi

Speaker Introduction

 Dr. Aldo Bischi received his Ph.D. in “Energy and Process Engineering” from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology-NTNU (Norway) with a dissertation on Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) reactor system design. An Innovative design for a 150kWth test-rig was proposed, consisting of two pneumatically controlled interconnected circulating fluidized beds.

The design was finalized by the construction and commissioning of a full scale cold flow model. Since 2012 Dr. Bischi holds a post-doctoral position in the “Group of Energy COnversion Systems” – GECOS at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), being awarded of a “Polimi International Fellowships”. He is currently working on distributed power generation: Combined Cooling, Heat and Power (CCHP) systems, dealing with all CCHP aspects from technical to economic point of view.

Main objective is the development of mathematical models for the scheduling and design optimization of CCHP systems. In parallel he has been involved in several research projects and consultancies with industrial partners.

Since academic year 2013/2014, he is responsible, as Adjunct Professor, for the course of “Energy and Environmental Systems” at the Politecnico di Milano master program in Management Engineering. Moreover he has been involved, as lecturer and CCHP expert, in several executive courses.

Seminar: Protecting Market Options Through Integrated IP Strategy: The Role of Strategic Disclosure

 We are glad to invite you to a seminar by Dr. Jana Thiel, Maastricht University, Netherlands, titled “Protecting Market Options Through Integrated IP Strategy: The Role of Strategic Disclosure”.

When: July 7, 2015, 13.30 – 15.00

Where: Room TBD, TROC-3



In this seminar I will look at technology-market-linking as a core activity in technology ventures.

I will highlight key avenues of research and will then zoom into the specific challenges that emerge for technology entrepreneurs when managing intellectual property to protect multiple market linkages and commercialization routes. I will present recent research with colleagues on the role of strategic (or voluntary) disclosure when designing efficient IP strategies in entrepreneurial ventures.

We suggest that, in particular for smaller actors and globally operating firms, strategic disclosure offers solutions to specific needs in the commercialization strategy, which are unaddressed by the current patenting system.

This seminar will provide a brief review along with case-based evidence on how firms integrate patent and non-patent-based disclosure and will then discuss more recent findings from a unique data set of 484 surveyed companies in which we find that with greater market diversity a firm’s tendency to strategically disclose increases.

The seminar will conclude with a discussion of the implications for further research and practice.


Jana Thiel, Maastricht University, is our guest speaker at the Skoltech seminar.

Jana Thiel, Maastricht University, is our guest speaker at the Skoltech seminar.

Dr. Jana Thiel
Maastricht University, Netherlands

Jana Thiel is currently an assistant professor at the Maastricht Centre for Entrepreneurship at Maastricht University.

She obtained her PhD in Entrepreneurship from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and prior to her appointment at Maastricht University she spent two years as a post-doctoral fellow at ESADE Business School in Barcelona. Jana’s research is situated at the intersection of entrepreneurship, technology management, and strategy. Her specific interests focus on providing new insight into what constitutes core entrepreneurial actions and how strategic behaviors impact entrepreneurial outcomes.

While being interested in all forms of entrepreneurial activity, Jana gets most excited about studying and mentoring entrepreneurs in implementing new-to-the-world science-based venture ideas.

Seminar: The Next Life of Silicon

Scanning tunneling microscope. Photo: Ilan Goren

Scanning tunneling microscope. Photo: Ilan Goren

We are pleased to invite to a seminar titled “The Next Life of Silicon” with guest speaker Prof. Gabriel Aeppli (ETH Zürich and EPF Lausanne; head of the Synchrotron and Nanotechnology department of the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland).

Who: Prof. Gabriel Aeppli

When: April 20, 2015 13.30 – 15.00

Where: Beijing-2 auditorium, China cluster Skolkovo School of Management


The 20th century has been distinguished by the silicon-based information revolution, where bits are encoded as charges which are manipulated and stored via field effect transistors. The continued exponential growth of information technology based on straightforward extrapolations of this paradigm is not guaranteed, and there has therefore been a search for both alternative paradigms and materials.

The new paradigms entail exploitation of spin and orbital degrees of freedom, including related quantum phenomena.  While “exotic” materials have been successfully used to demonstrate some of the associated physics, we show here that silicon may be an excellent host for the new effects. In particular, laser cooling and electromagnetic traps have led to a revolution in atomic physics, yielding dramatic discoveries ranging from Bose-Einstein condensation to quantum control of single atoms. Because it is a semiconductor of extraordinary cleanliness which can be acquired at low cost, silicon can also be thought of as a poor man’s atom trap.

We describe here the beginnings of the science of silicon as atom trap, where the trapped atoms are the donor impurities. Key tools, enabling the visualization and manipulation of the impurity quantum states, are free electron lasers and scanning tunneling microscopes.

Greenland et al., Nature (2010)


Vinh et al., PRX (2013)


Morley et al, Nature Materials (2010 and 2013)

http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v9/n9/full/nmat2828.html and


Schofield et al., Nature Comm. (2013) http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v4/n4/full/ncomms2679.html

Prof. Gabriel Aeppli, ETH Zurich and EPFL, guest speaker at the Skoltech seminar

Prof. Gabriel Aeppli, ETH Zurich and EPFL, guest speaker at the Skoltech seminar


Gabriel Aeppli is professor of physics at ETH Zürich and EPF Lausanne, and head of the Synchrotron and Nanotechnology department of the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. After taking his B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in Electrical Engineering from MIT, he spent the majority of his career in industry (NEC, AT&T and IBM) where he worked on problems ranging from liquid crystals to magnetic data storage.

He was subsequently co-founder and director of the London Centre for Nanotechnology, Quain Professor at University College London, and cofounder of the Bio-Nano Consulting Company. He is a frequent advisor to numerous private and public entities worldwide (including China, Australia, Europe and the US) engaged in the funding, evaluation and management of technology.

A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Fellow of the Royal Society (London), he was a recipient of the Mott Prize of the Institute of Physics(London), the Oliver Buckley prize of the American Physical Society and the Neel Medal/International Magnetism Prize. His current technical focus is on the implications of photon science and nanotechnology for information processing and health care.

Seminar: Design of Novel Materials For Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells

Solar cells facade on a municipal building located in Madrid, Spain. Image courtesy of Wikipedia, CC

Solar cells facade on a municipal building located in Madrid, Spain. Image courtesy of Wikipedia, CC

We would like to invite you to a guest seminar by Dr. Pavel A. Troshin on the “Design of Novel Materials For Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells”.

When: March 25, 2015, 13.30 – 15.00

Where: Beijing-1 Auditorium, China cluster, Skolkovo School of Management


Organic and hybrid solar cells represent a promising photovoltaic technology which is aimed to deliver cheap electrical energy utilizing inexpensive and abundant materials and high throughput roll-to-roll production technologies. Organic (hybrid) solar cells can be mechanically flexible, light-weight, semitransparent and environmentally friendly.

Rather unique properties of these devices open a number of exciting opportunities for their use in mobile applications, smart windows, textile-integrated photovoltaics (power suits) and etc. Dr. Troshin and his team have contributed significantly to design of novel fullerene-based and polymer-based nanomaterials for organic and hybrid perovskite solar cells demonstrating light conversion efficiencies of 6-11% and improved operation stabilities. Fundamental correlations have been revealed between the molecular structures of the novel materials, their physical and electronic properties and the device performances. The developed approaches can be applied in the future for designing electrode materials for organic batteries.

Dr. Pavel A. Troshin

Dr. Pavel A. Troshin


Dr. Pavel A. Troshin was born in Bryansky region, Russian Federation. He received his BS and MS degrees in organic and physical chemistry in 2003 from Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences at D. I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. He obtained his PhD degree in physical chemistry in 2006 from the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCP RAS). He is currently a head of the Research Group for Multifunctional Materials and Organic Electronics at IPCP RAS. His current research focuses on polymer and fullerene chemistry, organic electronics, solar energy conversion, organic batteries and biomedical applications of fullerenes.

Seminar: NVIDIA CUDA Day at Skoltech

CUDA™ is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA. Image courtesy of wikipedia

CUDA™ is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA. Image courtesy of wikipedia

We would like to invite you to take part in the seminar “NVIDIA CUDA Day” at Skoltech.

When: March, 26th, 10:00

Where: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Novaya St., 100, Skolkovo, Moscow Region
Building – Moscow School of Management, auditorium Beijing 2

In this workshop, you will be able to plunge into the world of supercomputers, and learn, for example, what really connects a supercomputer and a smartphone. Participants will also get acquainted with the experience of using GPUs for general-purpose computation, learn about the future of processors and new architectures for the next generation of supercomputers.

Also as part of the workshop we will present a platform for solving computational problems in embedded and mobile systems, autopilots and robots.


High-performance computing (HPC) using graphics processor units (GPU)

Anton Dzhoraev, NVIDIA

Mobile and embedded computing systems based on GPU + ARM.

Sergei Kovylov, NVIDIA

Simulation of viscous flow through quasigasdynamic system of equations on hybrid computing systems with GPU

Alexander Davydov, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS

Data structures for sparse matrices on graphics processors.

Alexander Monakov, Institute for System Programming, RAS

IBM – New technologies and architectures for future HPC solutions

Alexei Perevozchikov, IBM


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