We invite you to a seminar with Dr. Aldo Bischi on Distributed Power Generation Optimization and Advanced Process Integration.
When: July 21, 2015, 13.30 – 15.00
Where: Room 402, TPOC-3
Seminar Abstract
The talk will focus on the speaker main research streams: distributed power generation optimization and carbon capture and storage (CCS).
CO2 sequestration and utilization is a valuable bridging technology towards a sustainable future energy mix. At first, one of the most promising CCS technologies will be presented: Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC). Later, possible integrations with renewable energies will be shown, e.g. biomass (Bio-CCS) and power-to-gas methanation.
Combined Cooling, Heat and Power (CCHP) generation is an effective way to reduce primary energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Such systems make rational use of primary energy generating simultaneously heat, electric/mechanical power and refrigeration effect.
Several types of prime movers are suitable for cogenerative applications, ranging from microturbines to gas-steam turbine combined cycles. They can have more than one independent operative variable, highly nonlinear performance curves, limitations or penalizations affecting their start-up/shut-down operations. The CCHP units also depend on ambient temperature and may be integrated with heat pumps, renewable energy sources as well as energy storage. In addition national and European Union incentive policies come into play.
Due to the large number of decision variables and the necessity of determining trade-off solutions, the design and the operation planning require the development of specific optimization models discussed in the talk.
Speaker Introduction
Dr. Aldo Bischi received his Ph.D. in “Energy and Process Engineering” from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology-NTNU (Norway) with a dissertation on Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) reactor system design. An Innovative design for a 150kWth test-rig was proposed, consisting of two pneumatically controlled interconnected circulating fluidized beds.
The design was finalized by the construction and commissioning of a full scale cold flow model. Since 2012 Dr. Bischi holds a post-doctoral position in the “Group of Energy COnversion Systems” – GECOS at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), being awarded of a “Polimi International Fellowships”. He is currently working on distributed power generation: Combined Cooling, Heat and Power (CCHP) systems, dealing with all CCHP aspects from technical to economic point of view.
Main objective is the development of mathematical models for the scheduling and design optimization of CCHP systems. In parallel he has been involved in several research projects and consultancies with industrial partners.
Since academic year 2013/2014, he is responsible, as Adjunct Professor, for the course of “Energy and Environmental Systems” at the Politecnico di Milano master program in Management Engineering. Moreover he has been involved, as lecturer and CCHP expert, in several executive courses.