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Seminar «Light-Matter Interaction in Solid States»

Prof. Nikolay Gippius
October 10, 2013
13.00 – 14.30
Beijing – 1 Auditorium
Skolkovo School of Management

The talk is devoted to different aspects of physics of light-matter coupling in solid state. Various physical effects involving the excitons, the bound states of electrons and holes in semiconductors, are discussed.

The exciton binding energy in a semiconductor nanostructures can grow due to the increase of the attraction between electrons and holes in case the nanostructure is embedded into the dielectric with small permittivity. Several examples are discussed:  near surface quantum wells and nano-platelets

The ‘indirect excitons’, formed by spatially separated electrons and holes has smaller binding energies but their potential relief and the lifetime can be well controlled by external applied voltage.  The basic concepts of the smart traps for the indirect excitons are presented.

The strong spatial redistribution of the electromagnetic field is also responsible for the polarization, spectral and angular dependencies of the photoluminescence in modulated structures, such as planar microcavities with distributed Bragg mirrors, photonic crystal slabs and nano-wiskers. Linear and nonlinear optical problems in these systems are discussed.

Nikolay A. Gippius was born in Moscow, Russia (formerly U.S.S.R.) in 1961. He received the M.S. degree in physics in 1984 from the Physical Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, and the Ph.D. degree in solid state physics and mathematics in 1987 from General Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R. He received the D.S. degree in solid-state physics from General Physics Institute (GPI), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, in 2005. Since 1984, he has been with GPI where he holds now position of Leading Researcher. He has been a Visiting Researcher at Exciton Engineering Laboratory, Frontier Research System, RIKEN,Wako, Japan, in University of California, San Diego, and Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany.

Further Information:

If you would like to participate and for further information or questions, please e-mail Liliya Abaimova:

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