Moscow has been undergoing a massive renovation in the past few years, ranging from its central parks to historic theaters. See what the city has to offer innovative startups and the interested traveler.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Russia is developing its entrepreneurial spirit. New groups and organizations are cropping up to support startups, entrepreneurs, and the infrastructure for discussion. Currently, Moscow is thriving with new competitions, social groups and conventions giving rise to a new entrepreneurial class.
Digital October
Digital October Center is a place for the globally-minded technology entrepreneurship community. The Center holds key international professional conferences and presentations on new technology products in its goal to support the development of new technologies and technology entrepreneurship.
Digital October also hosts unique educational programs inviting top educators and experts from around the world.
Strelka Institute is a non-profit organization aimed at generating knowledge, producing new ideas and making them come true. Its lecture halls and studios provide free tuition for international young specialists with backgrounds in architecture, design, social sciences, etc. Its courtyard hosts open lectures, conferences and film screenings. Its bar provides both a place for the social networking of creative people from around the globe and a source of Strelka’s financial backing: what the bar earns goes to support the institute.
Various courses and organizations can be found on Theory&Practice
Open University, Skolkovo
Open University Skolkovo is a program organized by the Skolkovo Foundation to create and develop a community of talented young scholars and entrepreneurs whose expertise provides new human resources and tech startups for the Skolkovo Innovation Center and the innovation ecosystem within Russia.
Open Innovations
An international high-tech exhibition uniting scientists and developers of innovative products and technologies, businessmen operating in the technological sector, business angels and representatives of development institutions, heads of major corporations and political leaders.
Over 5,000 people from 42 regions of Russia and 38 countries of the world visited the exhibition in 2012.
Russian Internet Week
This exhibition provides an opportunity to learn from top-level managers and CEO’s of major Russian and foreign IT-companies, engage in panel discussions and network with fellow entrepreneurs in fields relating to the Internet.
Supporting Organizations
Russian Venture Company (RVC)
A governmentally funded ‘fund of funds’ with about USD 983.2 million in capital. The company is charged with the task of creating a self-sustained venture capital industry in synergy with other development institutions, engaging private venture capital, nurturing innovative entrepreneurship and technology business expertise, and mobilizing Russian human resources. RVC focuses primarily on security and counterterrorism; living systems (understood as biotechnologies, medical technologies and medical equipment); nanosystems and materials; IT systems; efficient nature management; transportation and aerospace systems; and power generation and energy conservation.
Rusnano – a state corporation focused on developing the nanotechnology sector within Russia. It is split into two main sections, the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs and Investment activities. The Fund focuses on the formation of an infrastructure for nanotech, including developing human resources, forming a market for products, advocating at the parliament, standardizing and certifying nanoproducts and popularizing these products with the public.
Skolkovo Foundation – a corporation charged by the government to form an innovative infrastructure within Russia and founding the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Its activities include organizing educational programs for gradeschoolers to professionals, attracting major research companies to Russia, and coordinating all elements of the innovation ecosystem.
Moscow and Russia in general possess a rich history in the arts. Its ballet and opera have been world-renowned for over a century, so be sure to visit a play, opera or ballet when the new season begins in September.
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