Skoltech-MIT Next Generation Program
4th Call for Proposals
[Release: July 21, 2021]
I. Program Overview
Skoltech and MIT announce the 4th Call for Proposals for the Next Generation Program (NGP) consisting of joint projects. This call is for faculty-initiated projects in research, education, and/or innovation.
A team jointly led by a PI from Skoltech and a PI from MIT may submit a single, integrated proposal in one or more of the following areas:
Research areas of science and engineering:
a. Data Science
b. Life Sciences and Health
c. Cutting-edge Engineering & Advanced Materials
d. Energy Efficiency
e. Advanced Studies
Areas of education, innovation, and entrepreneurship:
f. Course Development
g. Educational Initiatives
h. Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development
In this 4th Call for Proposals, Skoltech and MIT expect to award approximately 10–11 joint projects. The total funding per NGP research project is up to 20 million rubles for Skoltech and $800K–1,050K for MIT (to be provided in 3 parts), for a total 2½-year grant period. The total funding per collaborative project in areas of education, innovation, and entrepreneurship is up to 4 million rubles for Skoltech and up to $200K-400K for MIT, for a 1- or 2-year grant period.
The projects have an anticipated start date of January 1, 2022. Each project will have a mid-term project review.
II. Eligibility and Requirements
III. Application and Review Process
The 4th NGP Call for Proposals consists of a two-stage peer-review process:
a. White Paper Submission
A completed White Paper (template is available should be submitted jointly by Skoltech and MIT co-PLs by e-mail to by September 1, 2021.
White Papers will be pre-screened for completeness. The NGP Steering Committee appointed by the Skoltech Provost and by the MIT Associate Provost for International Activities will perform a preliminary evaluation of the White Papers.
Announcement of the selected White Paper proposals and feedback from the Committee will be provided by October 15, 2021.
b. Full Proposal Submission
Selected teams of co-PLs will be invited to submit a Full Proposal (a template form will be provided by October 15, 2021) by e-mail to . The Full Proposal submission deadline is November 15, 2021.
The Steering Committee will evaluate the Full Proposals with the additional involvement of internal and external experts and select the awardees.
Announcement of the selected Full Proposals will be made by January 28, 2022.
For Skoltech PLs funding will be released upon negotiation of budgetary components and the formal signing of the respective documents.
IV. Timeline
Submission of White Paper (WP) | September 1, 2021 |
Announcement of selected WPs | October 15, 2021 |
Submission of the Full Proposal (FP) | November 15, 2021 |
Announcement of selected FPs | January 28, 2022 |
Anticipated start date of the award | January 1, 2022 |
V. Submission and Contacts
The White Papers and invited Full Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to by a Skoltech co-PL by the respective deadlines.
For NGP inquiries please contact Ms. Karina Khapchaeva, Head of Research Initiative Office, at and/or Ms. Deliana Ernst, Assistant Director, MIT Skoltech Program at .
Eligibility and Requirements for Skoltech applicants:
Successful awards will meet the following eligibility criteria and requirements:
Each co-Project Leader may be involved with only one application within the 4th Call for NGP Proposals. Recipients of previous awards are invited to submit a proposal for a new project. Recipients of current NGP awards are excluded from submitting a project proposal within this Call for NGP Proposals.
General Evaluation Criteria
The following Evaluation Criteria will be applied for selection of the proposals:
Overall assessment of the proposal:
Assessment of contribution of the project to Skoltech capacity development in one of the three main areas:
Budget Guidelines
The overall project budget will be distributed among co-PLs based on specified co-PL’s expenditures. Skoltech part should be budgeted in Rubles, MIT part should be budgeted in USD.
Budget Guidelines for Skoltech
At Skoltech, funds should be spent within a respective calendar year with no carry-over allowed.
The following expenditures are permitted under the NGP program at Skoltech:
Budget Guidelines for MIT
Funding may be used for MIT salaries (including summer salaries as well as RA, postdoc, and other salaries), tuition for MIT students, materials & supplies, services, equipment, travel & meeting costs to facilitate collaboration with Skoltech, and indirect costs. MIT funds should be spent according to the respective MIT policy.
The white paper or full proposal does not need to be routed via Kuali Coeus (KC). Only if a grant is awarded will the proposal need to be routed via KC.
Additional Information and Support
Conflict of Interest
PLs and other project participants must declare any potential Conflict of Interest in their proposal.
Confidentiality will be maintained of all proposal material, and all expert reviewers will be required to respect the confidentiality of proposals. However, proposal authors should be aware that an abstract of successful proposals will be treated as public information. Therefore, at the co-PLs’ discretion, if there is specific information in the proposal that is business-confidential and not intended for public dissemination, it should be clearly labeled as such. This information will be withheld from public distribution if the proposal is successful.
Skoltech – MIT Next Generation Program
3rd Call for Proposals
9 Projects Have Been Selected for Awards within the 3rd Call of Skoltech-MIT Next Generation Program
The third call for proposals for the Next Generation Program: Skoltech-MIT Joint Project, in 2020, yielded 32 joint submissions for faculty-initiated projects in research, education, and/or innovation. Reviews of each proposal were solicited from both Skoltech and MIT. Each full proposal submitted within this call was evaluated by individually selected internationally recognized experts in the particular research topic. External coordinators with excellent research record and experience of high-level academic expertise were appointed for overall assessment of the proposals falling within one of the broader research fields. On the MIT side, each full proposal was reviewed by an expert with an excellent research record relevant to the broad research field. Each proposal received at least four reviews that were considered by the NGP Steering Committee. Final decisions were made based on the ranking of proposals; more high-quality proposals were received than NGP funds would permit and the budget determined the cutoff.
In total, 8 research-driven projects and one project in the area of innovation were unanimously approved by the Steering Committee and selected for support.
Both the organizer of external expertise and NGP Steering Committee acknowledged the very strong set of proposals reviewed, noting that many more than the selected 9 were worthy of funding. Long-time panel members noted the significant growth in quality from the 1st to the 2nd NGP Call for Proposals has progressed yet again in this 3rd NGP call. Notably, many proposals received outstanding scores from the international experts, reflecting the exceptional quality of proposals that meet rigorous international standards of those seeking competitive funding from such US federal and European grant agencies as NSF, Horizon 2020, NIH, etc.
The Skoltech – MIT Joint Next Generation Program (NGP) covers the whole range of academic and institution development activities. That includes research, education, innovation and academic services towards establishing and promoting a mutually beneficial long-term bilateral collaboration between Skoltech and MIT, as well as further development of Skoltech work streams.
Skoltech PI: Sergey Abaimov, Center for Design, Manufacturing, and Materials
MIT PI: Brian L. Wardle, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Skoltech PI: Maria L. Sokolova, Center of Life Sciences
MIT PI: Michael T. Laub, Department of Biology
Skoltech PI: Pavel Troshin, Center for Energy Science and Technology
MIT PI: Rafael Jaramillo, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Skoltech PI: Artem M. Abakumov, Center for Energy Science and Technology
MIT PI: Jennifer L.M. Rupp, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Skoltech PI: David Pozo, Center for Energy Science and Technology
MIT PI: Munther Dahleh, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Skoltech PI: Dmitry Dylov, Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering
MIT PI: Jacob White, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Skoltech PI: Evgeny Burnaev, Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering
MIT PI: Justin Solomon, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Skoltech PI: Keith Stevenson, Center for Energy Science and Technology
MIT PI: Fikile Brushett, Department of Chemical Engineering
Skoltech PI: Zeljko Tekic, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
MIT PI: Douglas Hart, Department of Mechanical Engineering
I. Program Overview Skoltech and MIT announce the 3rd Call for Proposals for the Next Generation Program (NGP) consisting of joint projects. This call is for faculty-initiated projects in research, education, and/or innovation, and welcomes applications for new projects as well as for extensions of previously supported projects. We anticipate issuing a (bi-)annual call for proposals during the current program. A team jointly led by a PI from Skoltech and a PI from MIT may submit a single, integrated proposal in one or more of the following areas: Research areas of science and engineering: a. Data Science Areas of education, innovation, and entrepreneurship: f. Course development In this 3rd Call for Proposals, Skoltech and MIT expect to award 5–10 joint projects. The annual funding for NGP research projects is up to 12.5 million rubles for Skoltech and $200K–350K for MIT, for a 3-year grant period with anticipated start date of June 15, 2020 (each project will also have a mid-term project review). The annual funding for other collaborative projects is up to 4 million rubles for Skoltech and up to $200K for MIT, for a 1- or 2-year grant period. II. Eligibility and Requirements Eligibility criteria and requirements: III. Application and Review Process The 3rd NGP Call for Proposals consists of a two-stage peer-review process: IV. Timeline V. Submission and Contacts The White Papers and invited Full Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to by a Skoltech co-PL by the respective deadlines. Eligibility and Requirements for Skoltech applicants: Successful awards will meet the following eligibility criteria and requirements: Each co-project leader may be involved with only one application within the 3rd Call for Proposals. Recipients of the 1st or 2nd NGP grant awards are also invited to submit a proposal. General Evaluation Criteria The following Evaluation Criteria will be applied for selection of the proposals: • Assessment of contribution of the project to Skoltech capacity development in one of the three main areas: Budget Guidelines The overall project budget will be distributed among co-PLs based on specified co-PL’s expenditures. Skoltech part should be budgeted in Rubles, MIT part should be budgeted in USD. Budget Guidelines for Skoltech Budget Guidelines for MIT Additional Information and Support Conflict of Interest Confidentiality
b. Life Sciences and Health
c. Cutting-edge Engineering & Advanced Materials
d. Energy Efficiency
e. Advanced Studies
g. Educational initiatives
h. Innovation & Entrepreneurship development
a. White Paper Submission
A completed White Paper templateshould be submitted jointly by Skoltech and MIT Co-PLs by e-mail to by February 10, 2020.
White Papers will be pre-screened for completeness. The NGP Steering Committee appointed by the Skoltech Provost and by the MIT Associate Provost for International Programs will perform a preliminary evaluation of the White Papers.
Announcement of the selected White Paper proposals and feedback from the Committee will be provided by March 6, 2020.
b. Full Proposal Submission
Selected teams of co-PLs will be invited to submit a Full Proposal (a template form will be provided by March 6, 2020) by e-mail to . The Full Proposal submission deadline is April 13, 2020.
The Steering Committee will evaluate the Full Proposals with the additional involvement of internal and external experts and select the awardees.
Announcement of the selected Full Proposals will be made by May 28, 2020. Funding will be released to the team of co-PLs upon negotiation of budgetary components and the formal signing of the respective documents.
Submission of White Paper (WP)
February 10, 2020
Announcement of selected WPs
March 6, 2020
Submission of the Full Proposal (FP)
April 13, 2020
Announcement of selected FPs
May 28, 2020
Signing of the Project Assignment (for Skoltech PL’s)
June 11, 2020
Fund release for co-PLs
July 1, 2020
For NGP inquiries please contact Ms. Karina Khapchaeva, Head of Research Initiative Office, at and/or Ms. Deliana Ernst, Assistant Director, MIT Skoltech Program at .
• The Skoltech co-Project Leader should be employed at Skoltech full time during the full term of the project;
• All projects, especially the research projects, will be selected based on their potential for having substantial impact;
• The proposal should be cost-efficient, with deliverables matching the amount of funding requested;
• The proposal should leverage Skoltech expertise and resources but should not duplicate work already supported by other funds.
• Overall assessment of the proposal:
- Expected impact;
- Excellence and novelty of the proposed activity;
- Qualification of the team involved;
- Likelihood of success;
- Value of expected deliverables (for non-research projects).
- Research (including visibility of research excellence, knowledge exchange, new expertise created; research personnel growth and development; research infrastructure development; partnership network created);
- Innovation (including new research directions/ideas with the consideration of practical use; new methods, products, processes; design with potential practical application; intellectual property perspectives); or
- Education (including curriculum development, course development, other curriculum activity; MSc and PhD students’ research; other education-related activities).
At Skoltech, funds should be spent within a respective calendar year with no carry-over allowed.
The following expenditures are permitted under the NGP program at Skoltech:
• Project Personnel costs (salaries and benefits for research and technical staff, including employees and new hires); Skoltech faculty salaries and Skoltech student stipends can not be charged to the project budget.
• Bench fees for Skoltech MSc and PhD students (costs associated with support of research activities of the students, including travel support);
• Business trips
• Materials, supplies, and services
• Subcontractors (no more than 20% of the total budget);
• Equipment (no more than 10% of the total budget)
Funding may be used for MIT salaries (including summer salaries as well as RA, postdoc, and other salaries), tuition for MIT students, materials & supplies, services, equipment, travel & meeting costs to facilitate collaboration with Skoltech, and indirect costs. MIT funds should be spent according to the respective MIT policy.
The white paper or full proposal does not need to be routed via Kuali Coeus (KC). Only if a grant is awarded will the proposal need to be routed via KC.
PLs and other project participants must declare any potential Conflict of Interest in their proposal.
Confidentiality will be maintained of all proposal material, and all expert reviewers will be required to respect the confidentiality of proposals. However, proposal authors should be aware that successful proposals will be treated as public information. Therefore, at the PLs’ discretion, if there is specific information in the proposal that is business-confidential and not intended for public dissemination, it should be clearly labeled as such. This information will be withheld from public distribution if the proposal is successful.
MIT PI’s: Fikile Brushett, Department of Chemical Engineering; Adam Willard, Department of Chemistry
SkT PI: Keith Stevenson, Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Center for Energy Systems
View abstract >>
MIT PI: Yury Polyanskiy, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
SkT PI’s: Grigory Kabatiansky, President’s Office; Alexey Frolov, CDISE, loT Laboratory
View abstract >>
MIT PI: Justin Solomon, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
SkT PI: Evgeny Burnaev, Skoltech Center for Computational Data-Intensive Science and Engineering
View abstract >>
MIT PI: Juan Pablo Vielma, Sloan School of Management
Skoltech PI: David Pozo, Energy Systems
View abstract >>
Announcement, June 9, 2016
Skoltech is happy to announce the results of the first call for proposals within Next Generation Program: Skoltech – MIT Joint Projects.
The “Next Generation Program: Skoltech – MIT Joint Projects” (NGP) represents one of the new formats of Skoltech-MIT collaboration and covers the whole range of academic and institution development activities. NGP seeks to establish and promote a mutually beneficial long-term bilateral collaboration in research, education and innovation between Skoltech faculty members and their MIT counterparts through the research-driven projects, as well as further development of Skoltech work streams within its development programs.
During the 2015 Call for Proposals a total of 29 White Papers were submitted resulting in 25 Full Proposals.
A panel of external reviewers consisting of nearly 80 experts, including a diverse mix of international reviewers from USA, and Europe, and others from Israel, Australia, and Singapore carefully evaluated the pool of 23 full proposals for research-driven projects according to NGP evaluation criteria. In addition, the Steering Committee considered these peer reviews and also evaluated all of the proposals with regard to internal selection criteria and implemented an US National Science Foundation -style selection procedure – two internal reviewers presented each proposal and the Committee assessed them in a series of meetings.
The feedback from peer review was communicated to Project Leaders confidentially.
Skoltech PL and co-PL | MIT PL and co-PL | Title | |
Artem Abakumov | Yet-Ming Chiang | Exploring Potassium-Ion Batteries | |
Natalia Berloff Pavlos Lagoudakis |
Keith Adam Nelson | Polaritonics Providing a Paradigm Shift in Optoelectronics | |
Aldo Bischi Janusz Bialek |
Konstantin Turitsyn | Integration and Control of Heat And Power Systems with Variable Loads | |
Boris Fine | Nuh Gedik | Investigations of High-Temperature Superconductors and Other Complex Quantum Materials | |
Victor Lempitsky | Mark Bathe Anne Carpenter |
Deep Learning Tools and Algorithms for Cell Image Analysis | |
Albert Nasibulin | A. John Hart Xuanhe Zhao |
Carbon Nanomaterial Manufacturing Platforms for Interactive Surfaces and Smart Prosthetics | |
Evgeny Nikolaev | Luis F. Velásquez‐García | 3d-Printed, Miniaturized Cassinian Trap Mass Spectrometer for Space Research and General Ambient Analysis Applications | |
Ivan Oseledets | Luca Daniel | High-Dimensional Uncertainty Quantification: from Component to Systems Design | |
Konstantin Piatkov | Daniel Anderson | Regulation of Antitumor Response via Modulation of Ubr‐Ubiquitin Ligases In Vivo | |
Athanasios Polimeridis | Jacob White | Next Generation Fast Methods for Medical and Nanoscale Technology | |
Konstantin Severinov | Feng Zhang | Search and Development of New Genome Editing Tools for Biomedicine and Biotechnology | |
Alexander Shapeev | Ju Li | Machine Learning Elastic Strain Engineering | |
Mikhail Skvortsov | Karl Berggren | Quantum Materials for Superconducting Nanophotonics | |
Pavel Troshin | Tonio Buonassisi | Improved Stability and Performance in Highly Efficient Lead‐Free Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells | |
Dzmitry Tsetserukou | Kamal Youcef-Toumi | RecyBot: High-Speed Intelligent Robotic System with Computer Vision for Electronics Recycling |
We congratulate the project leaders of selected proposals. For those who were not selected we encourage them to resubmit their revised proposals for the anticipated 2017 call for proposals within NGP.
Skoltech has never had an internal competition of this scale and diversity. It clearly showed mutual interest and eagerness for collaboration in Skoltech and MIT faculty communities and sent a clear message on Skoltech research strengths, priorities and openness to our peers all over the world.
Skoltech thanks all participants and organizers of the first NGP Call for Proposals.