The research presented at this week’s colloquium deals with the search and analysis of geo-spatial data. Image courtesy of Kris Krug, Flickr, under Creative Commons license
We are pleased to invite scientists and the public to our colloquium.
What: Enriched Geo-Spatial Data Search and Analysis
When: June 11, 4 pm
Guest speaker: Professor Nikos Mamoulis, Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong
Where: Skoltech, TechnoPark 3, room 403
The recent advances in technology has brought to availability huge volumes of new and complex forms of data. People routinely use smart devices with data collection capabilities and they are willing to post and share the data. New search and analysis tasks on the data are formed to serve the needs of common people or organizations and companies.
For the last several years, our research deals with the search and analysis of geo-spatial data, which are enriched with or associated to additional types of information, such as textual annotations and social network semantics. One source of our data are points of interest on maps that are enriched with tags, descriptions in web pages, and reviews by people who visit them. In this talk, I will present some of our results in this direction.
The focus will be applications that combine spatial data with either social semantics or textual content. Specific topics that will be discussed include location recommendation and clustering of places in geo-social networks, spatio-textual joins and skylines, and location-aware query suggestion.
If you like to participate and for further information or questions, please Liliya Abaimova
We look forward to seeing you.