We are glad to invite you to a seminar by Prof. Olga A. Dontsova, titled “Telomerase: Functional Aspects and Approaches to Inhibit”
When: December 21, 2015, 13.30 – 15.00
Where: TPOC-3, Room 148
Seminar abstract
Telomerase is a key participant of telomere length maintaining system. Using yeast model system we were able to find how telomerese itself can control the telomere length and determine the telomere to be elongated first. Further study resulted in understanding the role of specific telomere binding protein in telomere length regulation.
In mammals telomerase is activated in cancer. The novel approaches to design telomerase inhibitors – small molecule and oligonucleotide-based will be discussed.
Besides being an essential part of telomerase complex telomerase RNA has other function unrelated to telomerase. The data about unusual function of telomerase RNA will be presented.
Speaker introduction
Olga A.Dontsova is a Professor, Corresponding member of RAS, Head of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Chemical Faculty, Lomonosov MSU