When? June 4-5, 2016
Where? Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Please check transport options below)
Plenary speakers:
- Ivan Laptev
- Ruslan Salakhutdinov
About the workshop:
Deep Learning has revolutionised the field of machine learning and brought machine intelligence to a new level, where it can surpass humans in many different tasks. The number of deep learning applications grows at astonishing level, and from “academic” problems, like image classification tasks, deep learning is now entering new areas in computer vision, biomedicine, fintech and many others. Both large and small companies are more and more interested in these technologies.
In this workshop we plan to bring together researchers, working in machine learning and deep learning from Russia and abroad, and industry representatives to brainstorm on the most perspective applications of deep learning techniques in industry.
Please register here – https://skoltech-2015.timepad.ru/event/326385/
Local organizers:
- Ivan Oseledets ()
- Dmitry Vetrov ()
- Victor Lempitsky ()
For the preliminary program please click here (pdf). Youtube broadcast of event will be available.