We are glad to invite you to a seminar by Dr. Anton Ivanov, titled “Robots, Systems and Planets”.
Seminar Abstract
Since the 1950s, the exploration of space by robots and humans was driven primarily by political ambitions. While many excellent science programs continue across the world, the attention is turned to innovative space concepts that can generate new business here on Earth. I will present Model Based Systems Engineering as a concept that improves design quality of projects and can also be used to create new systems architectures and applications. This approach can integrate other disciplines, such as big data processing and neural networks analysis for novel exploitation of space data. I will also present lessons learned from project-oriented approach in education.
Dr. Anton Ivanov is the lead scientist with the EPFL Space Center (eSpace) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Anton has received his diploma from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and later joined Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics. After receiving his PhD in Planetary Science from Caltech in 2000, Dr. Ivanov joined the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to contribute to Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Science Laboratory projects. In 2007, Dr. Ivanov joined the EPFL Space Center to lead development of the Concurrent Design Facility. MBSE techniques were applied to various projects including CubETH cubesat projet, CHEOPS project definition, suborbital plane design and constellation of satellites with hyperspectral instrument. Anton is responsible for the Minor in Space Technologies at EPFL, which already graduated more than 200 students.
If you like to participate and for further information or questions, please Liliya Abaimova.