We are glad to invite you to a seminar by Dr. Sergey Abaimov, titled “Mechanics of materials: multiscale approach”
Seminar abstract:
Investigations of phenomena in mechanics of materials require complex, multiscale approach. For example, for composite materials, we start from the nano-level of interactions between nano-particles with the matrix, then move to the micro-level of fibers, next to the meso-level of yarns, and finally to the macro-level of plies, laminates, and structures. The idea of this seminar is to discuss the wide spectrum of research approaches developed in the Center for Design, Manufacturing, and Materials, Skoltech with the goal to combine them into the multiscale formulation of the material behavior. Discussed research streams include permeability of composite preforms (3 international benchmarks), analytical micromechanics (unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites, defects, special non-ellipsoidal inhomogeneities, ceramics), micromechanical studies of porosity (statistical distribution of pores’ characteristics, statistically representative RVEs, virtual testbed, new NDE approaches), experimental micromechanics (micro-level, nano-particles), microcapillarity phenomena, damage phenomena, collective correlated defects behavior (renormalization group approach, experimental measurements of correlation length), fatigue in materials (statistics, morphology, micro-CT, industrial applications), shock-wave loading of materials.
Speaker introduction:
Dr. Sergey Abaimov is a Senior Researcher with the Center for Design, Manufacturing, and Materials, Skoltech. He received his MS with honors in physics (1996) from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and his PhD (2008) from the University of California, Davis, having specialized in complex systems and, in particular, in applicability of statistical physics to damage phenomena. In the fall 2009, he was invited by the Penn State University, Pennsylvania, as a researcher to join Prof. Joseph Cusumano’s team dealing with prediction of catastrophes due to damage failures. In 2010, Sergey Abaimov joined Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology as an Assistant Professor (Associate Professor since 2014). In 2013, Sergey Abaimov joined Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology as a Researcher (Senior Researcher since 2015). He has received his Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences degree in 2011.
In 2012, Sergey Abaimov has published his first book “Statistical Physical of Complex Systems” (in Russian). In 2015, he has published his second monograph “Statistical Physics of Non-Thermal Phase Transitions”, this time with Springer.
If you like to participate and for further information or questions, please Liliya Abaimova.