Machine Learning Summer School kicked off on August 26 at the Skoltech’s Eastern Ring campus. The Skoltech MLSS program takes place over the course of two weeks from the last week of August to the first week of September. It has drawn 237 participants, including 145 students from across the world including Russia, Israel, China, Ireland, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United States, Italy, France, Portugal, Turkey, and many more. The MLSS program has also drawn 17 professors and industry representatives from bodies such as Google, Boeing, MIT, Imperial College London, University College London, TU Munich, University of Oxford, and many more. The topics to be covered are:
- Kernels for representing and testing probability distributions (Arthur Gretton, UCL)
- Fairness & Interpretability (Isabel Valera, Max Planck Society)
- Causality (Joris Mooij, University of Amsterdam)
- Geometric Techniques in ML (Justin Solomon, MIT)
- Optimal Transport (Marco Cuturi, Google Brain/ENSAE)
- Deep Bayesian Generative Models for Knowledge Transfer and MRI Processing (Evgeny Burnaev, Skoltech/Adase)
- Modelling with Virtual Sensors in the Energy Sector (Leonid Zhukov, BCG Gamma)
- Probabilistic Numerics (Mark Girolami, University of Cambridge)
- Graph Neural Networks (Michael Bronstein, Imperial College London/Twitter)
- AI and Analytics at Aerospace (Sergei Kravchenko, Boeing)
- ML and Neuroscience (Michel Besserve, Max Planck Society)
- Online Learning (Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, University of Milan)
- Reinforcement Learning (Shimon Whiteson, University of Oxford)
- Topological Data Analysis (Ulrich Bauer, Technical University of Munich)
- Bayesian Deep Learning (Yarin Gal, University of Oxford)
- Advances in Gaussian Process (Francois Bachoc, University Paul Sabatier)
- Deep Learning Theory (Matus Jan Telgarsky, University of Illinois)
Monday began with tutorials by Marco Cuturi (CREST-ENSAE, Paris) on Optimal Transport, and by Justin Solomon (MIT) on Geometric Techniques in ML. More information about MLSS can be found at the official website and at the MLSS Facebook page.
“At MLSS, students from all over the world get to hear talks on different fields of machine learning and, as a rule, leading experts are the speakers. MLSS is the most famous school dedicated to machine learning. For Russia, it is a notable event.” – Professor Evgeny Burnaev, MLSS curator.
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