You are invited to participate in the FOURTH WORKSHOP of the Faculty professional development series “Excellence in Teaching and Learning through Community of Practice at Skoltech” to be held on Wednesday, 17 November at 4 pm online. The development program is hosted by The Skoltech Centre for Teaching and Learning Excellence in partnership with the University of Iowa, supported by American Councils.
Special Honored Guest Speaker: Assistant Professor Gonzalo Ferrer, Award Winner “Best Instructor of the Year-2021″
The Program comprises six workshops to be delivered in English:
– online via Zoom
– over 6 weekly sessions within a period of October 27 – December 1, 2021
– every Wednesday from 4 – 5 pm.
Participants can start from and join any number of sessions.
Participation and completion of all workshops will be acknowledged by a Certificate of Professional Development and counted towards the new award “Innovation in Education” in June 2022.
With any questions, please, contact Daria Tokmeninova at .