This summer, guests from 15 countries gathered in Moscow to celebrate a once-in-a-lifetime event – Skoltech’s first Commencement Ceremony.
All eyes were on a group of excited students: our first batch of graduates, who celebrated their time exploring and creating with the innovation university. Watch the highlights in the video, join the celebration and hear the students’ stories. Class of 2015: Throw your caps up in the air!
(For more details see below, or read the full story about graduation day)
Ceremony Highlights
• Six students collected “Outstanding Thesis Awards” for scientific excellence.
• Announcement of the establishment of an Alumni Association tasked with administering a student Startup Project Challenge and a million ruble award. A third of the sum was collected by the graduates.
• Commencement speeches by graduates Anna Dubovik (MSc IT), Andrii Omeliyanovich (MSc Energy), and Dmitry Smirnov (MSc Energy).
• Skoltech leadership raised four million rubles for a student grant scheme.
• Closing the ceremony, Skoltech president Edward Crawley announced the establishment of a ‘best teacher award’ in honor and memory of his father.
Key Figures and Facts
• Fifty two master’s students in IT, Energy, Space, and Advanced Manufacturing are expected to graduate from Skoltech by the end of 2015.
• The inaugural group of students, some of whom joined the innovation-focused university as early as 2012, hails from 15 countries.
• Thirty five percent of all graduates are women, and almost half of the graduating students were actively involved in startup projects or established their own companies during their time with Skoltech.
• A majority of students studied and worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), honing their skills as researchers and entrepreneurs – and their English.