The Charity Day will happen on April 25, 2019 in the New Campus at Multifunctional Area starting at 5 pm.
All donations raised will be passed to the Charity Foundation “Arithmetic of kindness” («Арифметика добра», This is an unusual Charity foundation – it aims to help children without parents to get either a good education or necessary skills to go into universities and find a job. We believe that this concept matches Skoltech values in the best way.
The Charity Day will be conducted in the form of a Charity Fair. Over the next month we will be collecting various items – i.e., books, souvenirs and pieces of interior, paintings, toys and thousands other items that are in good shape and quality which you are ready to donate it. You will see large boxes with a sign “CHARITY DAY” both in the New Campus and in the Nobel 3 Building. You may put your donations there. During the Charity Day these items will be sold at not expensive prices as it happens usually at flea markets or “garage sale” events. We plan some workshops with our professors and top management, contests and Charity Auction which will start at 7 pm.
We hope that the Charity Day will be a unique event for all of our wide community – our students, Faculty, administrative office as well as our families and friends. If you have a spouse, children and an interested friend, don’t hesitate to bring along them to the Charity Day.
Together we can make a difference!