Wildlife is full of colors that are a delight to the eye and a subject of unfailing interest for scientists. What structures and molecules create color? What is the biological role of color? Does any of this has practical value? Join the lecture by Skoltech Professor Konstantin Lukyanov to go deeper into this fascinating topic.
In the 1990s, the scientists discovered that the fluorescent coloring of jellyfish and corals is determined by the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its related molecules. This finding broke new ground in technology, ushering in a new era in cell biology. Synthesized by the cell, GFP serves as a fluorescent beacon, giving a live display of the molecular events in an organism.
A scholar with 20-year-long research experience, Professor Lukyanov will share some insights into the study and applications of fluorescent proteins and explain how GFP taken from some marine creatures can be introduced into living system models.
Professor Konstantin Lukyanov is a graduate of MSU, Doctor of Science in Biology, and a Corresponding Member of RAS. His current research at Skoltech and the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of RAS focuses on the development of novel methods of fluorescent labeling of living systems.
Suitable for 16+
Registration: https://zaryadyepark.timepad.ru/event/1058439/
Live broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4QlLrjGWPw
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Skoltech Communications
+7 (495) 280 14 81