Skoltech Lecture Hub at ARHE presents: “Omics technologies: detecting illegal drug use by weighing the suspect”
The emerging omics technologies with their intriguing name are sometimes hailed as a new paradigm that leverages the synergy of modern advances in physics, chemistry and computing. They are equally instrumental in genomic and post-genomic medicine and such a challenging task as doping and illegal drug detection.
The omics technologies rely heavily on mass spectrometry which helps identify tens of thousands of chemical compounds in a biological object and obtain molecular profiles of proteins, fats and small molecules, which are used for medical diagnostics that also benefits from other growth trends, such as 2D visualization and computer-aided histology.
Yury Kostyukevich, an assistant professor at Skoltech, will talk about omics technologies and methods, mass spectrometry devices, vendors and market trends, omics research, and Russian achievements in the field.
Yury Kostyukevich is a PhD in Physics and Mathematics and an assistant professor at the Skoltech Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (CDISE).