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CDISE researcher’s paper wins top award at IEEE Globecom conference

A paper by Alexey Frolov, Associate Professor at the Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (CDISE), and Andrea Munari of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has won the Communication Theory Symposium Best Paper Award at the 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference.


The paper, available as a preprint, deals with measuring the performance of various Internet of Things (IoT) systems using age of information — a metric that describes the “freshness” of information that an IoT system has about a process observed remotely. Essentially it is the time elapsed since last successfully delivered update on the state of a system that is monitored with IoT sensors.

Frolov and Munari focused on the design of IoT systems informed by the need to optimize for age of information. The researchers think their results will be useful in environmental monitoring, vehicle tracking and generally in all IoT applications that require close tracking of a process.

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