The mass spectrometer is a research instrument that ranks among the world’s greatest inventions. Mass spectrometry that helps weigh an individual molecule’s weight has become a fixture in doping research, medicine, ecology, and even museums.
What is the human body made of? How do various ‘ingredients’ make their way into our system and how do they change in the course of chemical reactions? Today, mass spectrometry figures among the key techniques that help embrace this chemical diversity.
Can mass spectrometers make treatment and early diagnosis easier? What physiological processes occur at the molecular level? Can one use mass spectrometry for hormone, protein and lipid profile tests? How to identify disease markers, make early diagnosis and perform Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI)? Alexey Kononikhin will answer these questions and discuss personalized medicine and post-genomic technologies.
Speaker: Alexey Kononikhin, PhD in Physics and Mathematics and Senior Research Scientist at the Skoltech Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (CDISE).