We are pleased to announce the registration for Space Journey 2021, an annual offline popular science city quest.
The Space Journey players look for a location – a cultural, historical, scientific or engineering landmark – within a designated city area, and once there, complete a thematic assignment focusing on science or space. The players step into the shoes of an astronomer, design satellite mock-ups, manipulate space robots, and predict solar activity. The team should cover as many locations as possible and reach the finishing point in time for the wrap-up and award ceremony. The total duration of the quest is 6 hours.
In 2021, the Year of Science and Technology in Russia, the quest is about Science and Space, with itineraries covering Moscow’s famous science districts and landmarks, such as Moscow State University, Lomonosovsky, Akademichesky, Gagarinsky, Cheryomushki, Khamovniki, and Obruchevsky, as well as major museums, monuments, and research centers.
We invite school and university student teams, families and corporate teams. Each category will compete in its own league. During the game, the teams will walk or use public transport.
Organizers: ANO Space Flight with the support of Roscosmos and Skoltech.
Grant support: The Mayor of Moscow (“Dushevnaya Moskva” competition).
Partners: Mosrazvitie, Architecture, Design and Reengineering College No. 26, Otkrytiy Kosmos Community, the Museum of Cosmonautics, Obrazovaniye Budushchego, Urania astronomical community, and Nedetskiye Initsiativy public youth association.
Participation is free.
Registration is open
For more details, check out and https://vk.com/kosmicheskyireis.
Contact: WhatsApp, TG – 89194104042, Anastasia Ilyina.