The collection was published by Paulsen under the updated title “Mathematical Walks+” and includes 32 interviews with internationally renowned mathematicians.
Seven talks have been added to the celebrated collection “Mathematical Walks” (2017). The new interlocutors include Fields Medal winner (1998) Maxim Kontsevich, Fields Medal winner (2006) Andrei Okounkov, Abel Prize winner (2016) Yakov Sinai, Leelavati Prize winner (2022) Nikolai Andreev, and other leading Russian mathematicians. From 2020 to 2022, the continuation of the media project was supported by Initially, interviews with mathematicians were published in the magazines Ogonyok and Kommersant-Nauka, then the interviews were included in an updated version of the collection.
“In the few years since the first edition was released, artificial intelligence (AI) has become the most popular field of science and the most sought-after profession, ending the ‘bio’ dominance that existed. On the other hand, if you consider it carefully, AI is a reincarnation — namely, cybernetics reembodied in modern technology. The history of human knowledge shows that new fields of knowledge emerge, gain popularity, and, alas, often disappear never to return. But mathematics and physics remain,” Alexander Kuleshov, the president of Skoltech and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, addressed the readers in the preface to the new edition.
The revised edition is now available in Russian, and early next year, the new book will be available on the shelves of major bookstores in the country and can be ordered online.
“We are delighted that ‘Math Walks’ has been so well-received by readers. Our partners, the retail chains, have long been asking for a reprint of the book, and readers have been making preorders in anticipation of its publication. Our book market cannot boast a lot of popular science literature of such a high level, so the release of the new edition of ‘Mathematical Walks’ is a welcome and joyful event for everyone who loves mathematics and good books,” Raisa Neyaglova-Kolosova, the director of the Paulsen Publishing House, said.
The initiators of the project plan to continue the Skoltech book series. In 2023, the release of the third installment, the two-volume book “Life and Other Stories,” is expected. It will include more than 40 conversations with internationally renowned biologists.
The international scientific and educational media project “Mathematical Walks” was implemented by Skoltech in collaboration with the Kharkevich Institute (ITTP RAS) and a number of leading Russian media outlets in 2016-2017. As a result, the original collection of interviews “Mathematical Walks” was published in Russian and English, winning the Enlightener Prize (2017) in the “Non-format” category. In 2020, the book series continued with a collection of interviews with leading Russian physicists, “The Forefront of Physics”. The two books make up a two-volume edition under the general title “Mathematics and Physics: Two Views, One World.”
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