The Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) is a Skoltech office responsible for providing IP protection, management and commercialization services for Skoltech inventions and technologies on the basis of approved principles and global best practices.
Knowledge Transfer Office Role
The KTO is responsible for providing identification, analysis, protection and licensing services for Skoltech intellectual property. The KTO facilitates the real-world impact by assisting the authors (inventors) to take the steps needed to commercialize their research results.
The mission of the KTO@Skoltech is to advance science and have a beneficial effect on society by moving the benefits of the Skoltech research through the technology transfer process, consistent with rigorous academic and ethical standards, faculty and student welfare, and freedom of research.
There is a wide range of services which KTO@Skoltech will provide to Skoltech faculty, postdocs and students as well as the wider community.
The KTO team will apply its best efforts to create the world-class model of university technology licensing in Russia. The help and assistance of the overall Skoltech community will be of utmost importance in this process.