How to Apply

The application process requires three submission stages: a white paper proposal, a final proposal, and a presentation of the proposal followed by a Q&A session.

In the white paper stage, proposers submit a five-page preliminary proposal that describes the problem being addressed. Proposals must address one of the five stated areas of interest or cross-cutting research and establish a plan for research inspired by consideration of use. The white paper should describe the problem being addressed by the proposed Research Center. It should make a case for both the scientific and technological goals of the Research Center. The white paper should also specifically address the nature and magnitude of the impact of the proposed Research Center. A proposed budget should be included as an attachment. White paper budget forms can be found at The Biographical Sketch may not exceed two pages for each investigator. The number of bios should be limited to five key investigators.

Following an international peer review process, a select number of applicants are invited to submit full proposals.

After a second round of peer review, the full proposals are then presented in person before an international expert panel.
Proposals nominated by the panel are then presented to the Skoltech Board of Trustees for approval.
Potential CREIs are reviewed based upon a set of published criteria, whose key aspects include:

  • Significance and potential impact on the research field (academic excellence)
  • Impact on Skoltech and Russia
  • Quality and potential of the investigators
  • Environment of research that enhances the likelihood of results
  • Likelihood to translate results from the lab for broad application (innovation)
  • Enrichment of the educational curriculum