Application deadline: December 12, 2019
Amount: 5-8 mln. RUB yearly
Duration: 3 years (2020-2022 yy. )
Requirements for research team: max 10 members (50% not older 39 y.o.)
The necessary requirement for the project is a participation of the two leading scientists in its realization. They are required to organize and conduct short-term (no less than 1 month) visits in order to give lectures and take part in seminars, schools (on the project topic) for young researchers, and also for conducting research on the project. The place of work or permanent residence of such a scientist may not be located in the region of the Russian Federation where the organization is located or in the region bordering to it.
For more info in Russia, please see: RScF – Leading Scientist.
2. Call for fundamental research and exploratory research by order of the President of Russian Federation (interdisciplinary projects).
Grants are given out for the realization of interdisciplinary projects that are made up of two or three interdependent scientific and science-technical projects belonging to scientific groups with a view to conduct fundamental exploratory research from 2020-2023. This includes a subsequent possible 3-year extension to fulfil the project.
In the framework of the interdisciplinary project research groups need to carry out research in various fields of knowledge on the basis of two or three different Russian scientific organizations, that are located in non-adjacent regions of the Russian Federation.
Application deadline: December 20, 2019
Amount: 8-15 mln. RUB yearly (4-6 mln. RUB per group)
Duration: 3 years 2020-2022 yy. (possible 3-year extension)
Requirements for research team: max 10 members (50% not older 39 y.o.), max 25 members for total.
For more info in Russia, please see: RScF – Interdisciplinary
3. Call for “Basic Scientific Research and Exploratory Scientific Research, Conducted by Research Teams”
Application deadline: November 15th, 2019
Funding: 4-6 mln RUB / yr.
Duration: 3 years 2020-2022
Participants Requirements: max 10 members (50% not older 39 y.o)
For more details, please see RScF Groups
4. Call for “Basic Scientific Research and Exploratory Scientific Research, Conducted by International Research Teams” jointly with the German research community (DFG).
Application deadline: December 9th, 2019
Funding: 4-6 mln RUB / yr.
Duration: 3 years 2021-2023
Participants Requirements: 4-10 members (50% not older 39 y.o)
In addition to this project, the leader of a project can simultaneously lead one project funded by the Foundation and participate in one project funded by the Foundation as a research team member.
For more details, please see RScF – DFG
5. Call for “Basic Scientific Research and Exploratory Scientific Research, Conducted by International Research Teams” jointly with with the French National research Agency (ANR).
Application deadline: April 1st, 2020
Funding: 4-6 mln RUB / yr.
Duration: 3 years 2021-2023
Participants Requirements: 4-10 members (50% not older 39 y.o)
In addition to this project, the leader of a project can simultaneously lead one project funded by the Foundation and participate in one project funded by the Foundation as a research team member.
For more details, please see RScF – ANR
Eligible research areas for both calls:
There are a lot of various international and regional calls. Please check the link below or ask the Office for Sponsored Programs for more information.
All calls are now closed.
The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation jointly with the Council for grants of President of Russian announces a call for the grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of high-level scientific schools of Russian Federation.
The PI should meet the following criteria:
– The PI’s age as of January 1, 2020 shouldn’t exceed 50 years;
– For the period 2015-2019 the PI prepared at least 3 Ph.D. or Doctor of Science (RF) (confirmed by HAC – Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation).
Application deadline: November 8th, 2019
Funding: 2 622 000 rub
Duration: 2 years 2020-2022
Applications for participation in the competition will have be accepted from 09 October to 08 November 2019 in electronic form on the website
Call documentation:
1. Call for the fundamental research best projects of PHD students
no new calls