1. Identifying funding sources
Information on Russian and non-Russian funding opportunities will be announced to the Skoltech research community on a monthly basis.
2. Review, approve, and submit proposals to potential external sources.
G&C will review, approve, and submit Skoltech proposals for external funding.
All submissions must be routed through G&C with a routing sheet that will be provided on the Skoltech website. Taking into account our current startup state, we would greatly appreciate routing of proposals for G&C review one month prior to the grant application deadline. The deadline for submission to our office will be indicated in the monthly funding opportunities announcement.
3. Electronic proposal submission and technical support for creation of electronic proposals
We will do our best to assist you with online proposal submission as resources permit.
4. Develop policies and procedures to ensure regulatory compliance with government regulations
Policies and procedures for affecting proposal and award compliance with applicable regulations (export control, human and animal subjects, and others) are in process of developing and going to be finalized soon. Approved policies will be posted on the Skoltech.
5. Negotiate and accept awards from external sponsors
G&C will review, negotiate, formally accept, and set up external and internal awards on behalf of all Skoltech investigators.
6. Provide support to principal investigators in managing their awards
Once an award is received, G&C will set up the account and manage any amendments or modifications as necessary.
7. Coordinate the award closeout process
The Skoltech principal investigator will be responsible for overall leadership and management of the award and providing the deliverables required under the grant or contract terms (final technical report, summary financial report, TLO report, etc.); however G&C will coordinate assembly and submission of close-out documents.